Recently I switched the RSS feed information around in order to provide an option for those who want to receive the podcast in OGG format. At the top of the left column on the web page are the new feed URLs that you can use to import into your favorite RSS browser. I have updated iTunes so that the feed will still download only the MP3 version of the podcast. I would suggest that everyone who receives their LHS feed via RSS, please adjust your URL to the new one provided. If you continue to use the old one, you'll receive both the MP3 and OGG versions of the podcast, resulting in duplicate entries. If that's OK with you, then don't change a thing.

Just a heads up.

73 de K5TUX (and KB5JBV)

LHS Show Notes #010


  • KG4SBY - Jim in Spring Hill, Florida, USA
  • KI6BGE - Tim in Torrance, California, USA
  • VE2GZI - Bruce in Saint-Lazare, Quebec, Canada
  • K7JM - John in Jefferson City, Montana, USA
  • K5LXP - Mark in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
  • W5AGW - Andy in Kingwood, Texas, USA
  • VK2BAC - Adrian in Gorokan, New South Wales, Australia
  • WD8LQB - Stephen in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA



LHS Episode #010

That's right, everyone. We've hit Episode 10. I know it's hard to believe. We can hardly believe it ourselves. This one has been sitting in the editing room for a while due to life conflicts once again. It also spent a lot of time going through the editing machine. All that said, it's finally produced, mostly coherent, and occasionally informative.

As always, thank you so much for listening to the program. Please help spread the word about Linux in the HAM shack by tweeting about us, posting on your blogs, telling your fellow hams and just getting the word out. We appreciate it, and we'll do the same for you if you send us your information.

Tons of feedback in this episode and then we tackle digital modes from RTTY to Throb. Enjoy.

73 de Russ

LHS Show Notes #009


  • WA0EIR - Ted in Clinton, Iowa, USA
  • AD7MI - Scott in Leavenworth, Kansas, USA
  • VE6LE - Richard in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • KG6ZYC - Heather in Campbell, California, USA
  • VK7AX - Al in Ulverstone, Tasmania, Australia
  • KD8ARO - Henry in Walton, West Virginia, USA
  • KK7DS - Dan in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA

