Segment 1 (Deep Dive)
- The Grand Saga of Linux in the Ham Shack
Segment 2 (Announcements & Feedback)
- 500th Episode Giveaway Winner
Segment 3 (New Subscribers, New Supporters & Live Participants)
- Subscribers and Patreons
- Russ Hules, KC5CNT
- Scott Pettigrew, N8VSI
- Facebook
- Slawomir Pach
- Greg Tangey
- Clay Jackson
- RARsFest 2023
- Live Chat
- Winston, KD2WLL
- Fred, N2NRV
- Ted, WA0EIR
- Steve, KA7HVT
- Tom, N4HAI
- Steve, KJ5T
- Don, KB2YSI
- Stacey, KB7YS
- Jim, 7J1AJH