Show Notes #555: Wavelog Deep Dive

Segment 1 (Deep Dive)

  • Wavelog
    • Wavelog is a self-hosted PHP application that allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere. All you need is a web browser and active internet connection. Wavelog itself is an enhanced fork of Cloudlog by 2M0SQL.

Segment 2 (Announcements & Feedback)

  • N/A

Segment 3 (New Subscribers, New Supporters & Live Participants)

  • Subscribers and Patreons
    • Professor Cheechi
  • Discord
    • 0cmma0-18
    • Chip
    • 9K2DB
    • g1cpu
    • f5row
    • KF6IF
    • KQ4JZU
    • N1JUR-Eric
  • Instagram
    • @n1jur
  • Mastodon
    • @sojourner
        • Live Chat
          • Joel, KC0YEW
          • Don, KB2YSI

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