Segment 1 (Deep Dive)
- PoLo (Ham2K Portabe Logger) Deep Dive
- Topics
- A Little About Sebastian (KI2D)
- Origin of PoLo
- Licensing and code base
- Platforms supported
- Installation procedure
- Getting started / setup
- Features and options
- Special features / offline access / etc?
- Anything we missed or that you'd like to add?
- Resources
- (PoLo)
- (GitHub)
- (Forums)
Segment 2 (Announcements & Feedback)
- Please Help Support the Show
- Patreon
- Paypal
- Merchandise
Segment 3 (New Subscribers, New Supporters & Live Participants)
- Live Chat
- Mike, K6GTE
- Woody, KC1VOP
- Eduardo, PU5PEO
- Tony, K4XSS