LHS Episode #355: Warp Two

Hello and welcome to the 355th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts wrap up Field Day 2020 and then dive into other topics including: RSGB webinars, the WIA, the QSO Today Ham Expo, open-source COVID-19 tracking software, Linux Mint 20, ADS-B trackers for Raspberry Pi and much more. Thank you for listening and have a great week out there.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #355: Warp Two

Hello and welcome to the 355th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts wrap up Field Day 2020 and then dive into other topics including: RSGB webinars, the WIA, the QSO Today Ham Expo, open-source COVID-19 tracking software, Linux Mint 20, ADS-B trackers for Raspberry Pi and much more. Thank you for listening and have a great week out there.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #355: Warp Two

Hello and welcome to the 355th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts wrap up Field Day 2020 and then dive into other topics including: RSGB webinars, the WIA, the QSO Today Ham Expo, open-source COVID-19 tracking software, Linux Mint 20, ADS-B trackers for Raspberry Pi and much more. Thank you for listening and have a great week out there.

73 de The LHS Crew

Show Notes #355: Warp Two

Segment 1 (Lead Topic)

  • Field Day Wrap-Up

Segment 2 (Amateur Radio)

  • QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo Announces Full Lineup of Speakers

Segment 3 (Open Source)

  • CA Launches COVID-19 Modeling Tool for Researchers

Segment 4 (Linux in the Ham Shack)

  • LHS Readiness: Linux Mint 20
    • LHS Readiness Score:  4.7

Segment 5 (Social Media Roundup)

  • Facebook
    • Larry Carter, Jr.
    • Jim Neal
    • Xitij Shukla
  • Twitter
    • @QSOTodayHamExpo
  • YouTube
    • Reynard Greenewood

LHS Episode #354: QSO Today Ham Expo Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 354th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we talk with Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, of the QSO Today podcast. With just the spark of an idea, he has created the first large-scale virtual ham fest. In a COVID-19 world where in-person events are cancelled all over the place, particularly Hamvention, Huntsville and more, this may usher in a new era of virtual ham radio gatherings. We dive into every aspect of the Expo from inception to participation to technical details. Thanks for listening and have a great week. Hope to see you at the Expo!

73 de The LHS Crew