LHS Episode #272: The Weekender XXIV

Good grief! It's the latest edition of the Weekender! In this episode, the hosts put together a list of amateur radio contests and special events, upcoming open source conferences and a hefty does of hedonism that blends together and goes down like a luxurious sippin' whiskey. Thank you for tuning in and we hope you have an amazing upcoming fortnight.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #272: The Weekender XXIV

Good grief! It's the latest edition of the Weekender! In this episode, the hosts put together a list of amateur radio contests and special events, upcoming open source conferences and a hefty does of hedonism that blends together and goes down like a luxurious sippin' whiskey. Thank you for tuning in and we hope you have an amazing upcoming fortnight.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #271: The Discord Accord

Welcome to Episode 271 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this week's episode, the hosts discuss ARISS Phase 2, the Peanut Android app for D-STAR and DMR linking, a geostationary satellite from Qatar, open source software in the public sector, a new open-source color management tool, Linux distributions for ham radio and much more. Thank you to everyone for listening and don't forget our Hamvention 2019 fundraiser!

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #271: The Discord Accord

Welcome to Episode 271 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this week's episode, the hosts discuss ARISS Phase 2, the Peanut Android app for D-STAR and DMR linking, a geostationary satellite from Qatar, open source software in the public sector, a new open-source color management tool, Linux distributions for ham radio and much more. Thank you to everyone for listening and don't forget our Hamvention 2019 fundraiser!

73 de The LHS Crew

Show Notes #271: The Discord Accord

Listen to Episode #271

Segment 2 (Amateur Radio)

  • ARISS Announces Phase 2 selections for 2nd Half of 2019

Segment 3 (Open Source)

  • Publicly Funded Open Source Software Should Be Open Source

Segment 4 (Linux in the Ham Shack)

  • KB1OIQ releases new version of Andy's Linux

Segment 5 (Social Media Roundup)

  • Facebook
    • Levi Moore
    • Steve Lee
  • Twitter
    • @smartvhf
    • @borisnimcevic
  • YouTube
    • Brian Gamble
    • Derek Downs
    • Luis Pacheco
    • Dean Simmer
    • Mark Crowley