LHS Episode #271: The Discord Accord

Welcome to Episode 271 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this week's episode, the hosts discuss ARISS Phase 2, the Peanut Android app for D-STAR and DMR linking, a geostationary satellite from Qatar, open source software in the public sector, a new open-source color management tool, Linux distributions for ham radio and much more. Thank you to everyone for listening and don't forget our Hamvention 2019 fundraiser!

LHS Episode #270: Logbook of the World Deep Dive

Welcome to the latest episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts take a deep dive into the ARRL application Logbook of the World. It's a logging application with two components: the online database and statistical analysis tools at the ARRL site and the TrustedQSL cross-platform application for managing certificates, encrypting and uploading QSO data and more. LHS takes a look at all of its features, caveats, uses and more. Thank you for listening.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #270: Logbook of the World Deep Dive

Welcome to the latest episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts take a deep dive into the ARRL application Logbook of the World. It's a logging application with two components: the online database and statistical analysis tools at the ARRL site and the TrustedQSL cross-platform application for managing certificates, encrypting and uploading QSO data and more. LHS takes a look at all of its features, caveats, uses and more. Thank you for listening.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #270: Logbook of the World Deep Dive

Welcome to the latest episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts take a deep dive into the ARRL application Logbook of the World. It's a logging application with two components: the online database and statistical analysis tools at the ARRL site and the TrustedQSL cross-platform application for managing certificates, encrypting and uploading QSO data and more. LHS takes a look at all of its features, caveats, uses and more. Thank you for listening.

73 de The LHS Crew