LHS Recording Moves to Monday

Just wanted to let everyone know that when we start the show up again, we will be moving the live recording night from Tuesday to Monday. We will still begin shortly after 8:00pm Central Time, which will be Tuesday at 0200 UTC. Make sure to update your schedules accordingly. We will re-launch with Episode #133 on Monday, September 8th. See you there!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #132: Interview with Ben Schram

BenSchramHello, everyone! In this, our last episode before our scheduled time off and retooling session, we interview Indiegogo donor Ben Schram from Perth, Western Australia. Ben is an avid listener, contributor to many crowd funding campaigns, Linux enthusiast and soon-to-be amateur radio operator. We discuss everything in this episode from high-speed rail systems to FCC Part 97 rules changes to the great AMC television series The Walking Dead. See you in September!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #132: Interview with Ben Schram

BenSchramHello, everyone! In this, our last episode before our scheduled time off and retooling session, we interview Indiegogo donor Ben Schram from Perth, Western Australia. Ben is an avid listener, contributor to many crowd funding campaigns, Linux enthusiast and soon-to-be amateur radio operator. We discuss everything in this episode from high-speed rail systems to FCC Part 97 rules changes to the great AMC television series The Walking Dead. See you in September!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #132: Interview with Ben Schram

BenSchramHello, everyone! In this, our last episode before our scheduled time off and retooling session, we interview Indiegogo donor Ben Schram from Perth, Western Australia. Ben is an avid listener, contributor to many crowd funding campaigns, Linux enthusiast and soon-to-be amateur radio operator. We discuss everything in this episode from high-speed rail systems to FCC Part 97 rules changes to the great AMC television series The Walking Dead. See you in September!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #131: The Joy of Ham Radio

FD_1941_Prospect_HillIn this episode, we gathered together a small round table to talk about some Linux and ham radio news items, and then discuss the upcoming Field Day, Elmering, and the general joy of amateur radio. Much fun was had by all, and there's even a cameo appearance by The Richard himself.

73 de The LHS Guys