LHS Episode #108: Mumble in the Jungle

thailand-jungleHello and welcome to the first episode to be released on schedule in quite some time! It looks like our contest to award a Beaglebone Black to some lucky listener is going well. Make sure to get your entries in before 10:00pm Central on June 16th, either by becoming a member or completing the thought "I deserve a Beaglebone Black because..." on our voice line at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469). The drawing will be held during our live recording of Episode #109 on June 18th.

In this installment, your hosts travel the world of Linux and Ham Radio, discussing the latest release of ArchLinux, hurricane and disaster preparedness, the free-software Mumble project, computers in education and more. We even have voice feed back from Lord D, addressing a philosophical topic discussed in Episode #101. Sit down with a drink and get comfortable. This episode will make you think--we hope.

73 de The LHS Guys

Shows Notes #106

Episode #106 Audio (Listen Now):

  • [audio:https://bsmarchive.info/lhs/mp3/lhs106.mp3]



  • The Dayton Hamvention is coming up very soon! It will be May 17-19, 2013 at the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio. Linux in the Ham Shack will be there in the North Hall, booth 131. Hope to see you.
  • The Beaglebone Black has been released. These are the preferred boards of Pignology and Sierra Radio Systems, who use them to create the Hamstack. They are retailing for $45 and are much more powerful than the Raspberry Pi.



  • New LHS Member: Allan, WA1BG. Thanks!
  • New Twitter follower: Jeff B (@bundini).

Contact Info:


  • "No Time" by Mindil Beach Markets from the album Mindil Beach Markets. This track is not Creative Commons but is freely available from https://mindilbeachmarkets.com.
  • "Delirium" by Nocreeps from the album Time to Differ, courtesy of Jamendo.


LHS Episode #107: Sorry for Party Bedrocking

Fred-Wilma-and-DinoThis is the first episode to be recorded since Hamvention back in mid-May. Russ gives his thoughts on the event and tells everyone about the contest that was held there, and also the new one that is being held for all of our listeners. Please get your entries in. You don't want to miss out on winning a Beaglebone Black! An interesting new Linux project that Russ heard about, called Bedrock Linux, came to his attention at Hamvention. The hosts interview the lead developer in the main segment of the program. On top of that, they discuss topics from milk shakes to retirement, announce the show's most famous listener to date and bring back The Badger. You don't want to miss any of this goodness.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #107: Sorry for Party Bedrocking

Fred-Wilma-and-DinoThis is the first episode to be recorded since Hamvention back in mid-May. Russ gives his thoughts on the event and tells everyone about the contest that was held there, and also the new one that is being held for all of our listeners. Please get your entries in. You don't want to miss out on winning a Beaglebone Black! An interesting new Linux project that Russ heard about, called Bedrock Linux, came to his attention at Hamvention. The hosts interview the lead developer in the main segment of the program. On top of that, they discuss topics from milk shakes to retirement, announce the show's most famous listener to date and bring back The Badger. You don't want to miss any of this goodness.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #107: Sorry for Party Bedrocking

Fred-Wilma-and-DinoThis is the first episode to be recorded since Hamvention back in mid-May. Russ gives his thoughts on the event and tells everyone about the contest that was held there, and also the new one that is being held for all of our listeners. Please get your entries in. You don't want to miss out on winning a Beaglebone Black! An interesting new Linux project that Russ heard about, called Bedrock Linux, came to his attention at Hamvention. The hosts interview the lead developer in the main segment of the program. On top of that, they discuss topics from milk shakes to retirement, announce the show's most famous listener to date and bring back The Badger. You don't want to miss any of this goodness.

73 de The LHS Guys