Show Notes #105

Episode #105 Audio (Listen Now):

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  • Our thoughts go out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. We hope that the perpetrators or caught quickly and dealt with appropriately.


  • The Tin Foil Hat show, a new member of the Black Sparrow Media network, is currently on hiatus. The podcaster, CafeNinja, is busy with life issues and will return to podcast as soon as he is able.
  • Development of the LHS mobile application is likely to cease, though the application in its current form will be available for the forseeable future. If you have an iPod, iPad, iPhone or Android device, get the app FOR FREE in the relevant app stores.



  • New Twitter follower: @LinuxLeech. Thanks!
  • New yearly subscriber to the show: Brian S. Thank you!
  • No listener feedback this week. See the contact info below to let us know how you feel about anything you like.

Contact Info:


  • "Carpe Diem" by Antarhes from the album Silaelin, courtesy of Jamendo.
  • "Pain of Life" by Drunken Souls from the album On Verra Plus Tard, courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #105: Linux on the HamStack

hamstackThat's right, we've got yet another interview in this show. Is anyone screaming "UNCLE!" yet? George from Sierra Radio Systems and Nick from Pignology are our guests tonight, talking about several of their ham radio related products. They have a product launch they're doing at the Dayton Hamvention this year and wanted to let everyone know what they have in store so it's out there before the chaos in Ohio. Don't despair, howver. This is not a sales pitch. Instead, our fine feathered guests get down into the nitty gritty of their product, explaining what it does, how it does it, what hardware it uses and what software as well. You'll be happy to know it's all Free Software based and an incredible find for anyone looking for comprehensive remote station control. George and Nick also happen to be responsible for a significant chunk of the donation money LHS needed to be a part of Dayton this year so we are eternally grateful to them for that. The best part of all this: That's only HALF of the show. This one's so packed full of information it might just explode.

73 de The LHS Guys