LHS Episode #100: The Centennial

100dollarlrgHello, everyone. This is the 100th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. Some may have doubted that we would ever get this far. Some may be delighted. Some may be dismayed. Whatever feelings you may have on the matter, we have arrived. Please be advised that there is little in the way of Linux and/or Ham Radio content in this episode. It's a bit more of a gab fest. That being said, we did have a couple of listeners on with us as guests, and everyone who joined us for the live event had a great time. The recording of this episode also coincided with Richard's birthday, so if you haven't already, feel free to wish him a happy belated birthday. Also in this episode is THE BIG BOMBSHELL. Word may have leaked out, but to some it will still be a surprise. Please take a moment to reminisce with us about our last 100 episodes, and we can't wait to see what the next 100 will bring.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #099


  • Apologies for the tardiness of the show notes for Episode 99. I spent a few days in warmer climes, neglecting my duties. -Bill, KA9WKA
  • Welcome to episode 99 of Linux in the Ham Shack.


  • Linuxfest Northwest has announced their Call for Papers, Sponsors and Exhibitors. The show will be at Bellingham Technical College in Bellingham, Washington on April 27th and 28th, 2013. Visit their website for more information.
  • Donations for LHS to be at the 2013 Dayton Hamvention are already rolling in. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. Please send anything you can. Even a dollar helps out. Donate here!
  • The Wouff-Hong Podcast has been announced. It will star Tracy Holz, N5UNX and Joel McLaughlin, W3RAZ. Joel is also a co-host of the long-running Linux Link Tech Show podcast. Tracy has been a guest on many podcasts and also did his own show, Working in the Open, a couple of years ago. The show will be ham radio focused, with topics ranging from operating practice to folklore to hardware. Tracy is currently co-hosting The Techie Geek podcast with Russ Wenner.
  • Things to do:
    • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
    • Become a subscriber for $2/month or $20/year. That donation does count towards the Dayton Hamvention fund.
    • Record a little memento for the 100th episode. Tell us you like us, or hate us, or whatever. Just let us hear from you. Leave your voice message at +1-909-547-7469. (By the time these notes are published, the 100th episode has already been recorded. However, feel free to leave a message, anyway!)
    • Check out the Events and Ambassadors pages on the LHS site. If you can help us out by being at an event for us, please let us know. We provide the booth setup and a free T-shirt or ball cap. You provide a presence and a demo computer. Everyone has a good time.
    • Join the LHS IRC channel. We are at #lhspodcast on Freenode (irc.freenode.net), and there's almost always someone to chat with. Plus you can participate in the live show that way.
    • Listen to the live show every other Tuesday night at 8:00pm Central. You get to hear all the stuff we cut out of the podcast release. Plus, if you're in the IRC, your experience is twice as fun. The URL to listen is https://stream.blacksparrowmedia.net:8008/lhslive.
    • Join the Linux in the Ham Shack Google+ Community.
    • Follow LHS on Google+, Identi.ca and Facebook. Also, follow BSM_Network and LHSPodcast on Twitter.


  • FreeDV is a GUI application for Windows and Linux (MacOS and BSD are in testing) that allows any SSB radio to be used for low bit rate digital voice. It appears to be using Codec 2!
  • Hamux 6 is a CentOS-based repository with ham radio software. It is compatible with the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) project. It works with CentOS 5 and 6, and i386 and x86_64 versions are now available. It's not a distro, but repackaged RPMs for RHEL and CentOS. It does require EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux).
  • Fedora 18 has finally been released, and Russ shares his experience with this much anticipated, and often delayed, release. Russ provides a brief and not very favorable, review.
  • Richard suggests trying SliTaz GNU/Linux.


  • Leif, KC8RWR (in reference to our discussion of using short wave radio for Internet connectivity in Episode 98), offers his thoughts.
  • Dave, M0DCM, also chimes in with some comments about high-speed Internet over HF.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at kb5jbv@gmail.com, Russ at k5tux@lhspodcast.info, or both at the same time at info@lhspodcast.info.
  • Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (1-909-547-7469), or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • Sign up for the MAGNetcon mailing list.
  • LHS merchandise is available at the Merch link on Web site. Check out the Badgerwear or buy one of the other LHS-branded items at PrintFection.com/lhs or Cafe Press. Thanks!
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.


  • "Drinkin' Problem" by Freeky Clean & Dickey F from the album South of Pearly Gates, courtesy of Jamendo.
  • "Writing on the Wall" by Freeky Clean & Dickey F from the album Double Feature, courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #099: Thorpe Your Octo

octothorpeWe are one episode away from the century mark. It's with a great deal of pride that we, the hosts of Linux in the Ham Shack, present to you our 99tieth episode. We would love to have some audio feedback from as many of our listeners as we can get that we can air on our 100th Episode Extravaganza. If you have the time and inclination, please submit a sound bite telling us how much you love the show, or hate it, or whether a weasel stole your chickens. It doesn't matter; we just want to hear from you! In the meantime, since Russ actually sat down and did some research for the episode, please take a listen and try to glean from it whatever nuggets of wisdom you might find. We're not saying they're in there, but the journey to discovery has been fun so far.

73 de The LHS Guys