LHS Show Notes #049



  • Mitch D., Bill A., and Jim C. sent donations. Thank you!
  • To support the podcast, please click the Donate button on the website or buy one of the LHS-branded items at PrintFection.com/lhs or Cafe Press. Thanks!


  • OpenOffice has forked! (Thanks to Russ of The Techie Geek podcast for the link.) The Document Foundation is an independent open source version of OpenOffice called LibreOffice. This version of OpenOffice will be maintained separate from, and without dependence on, Oracle. For extensions to the package, see the FSF Extension list.
  • CQRLog Revisited: A fully featured ham radio logging program for Linux.
    • Documentation link
    • The authors (Petr OK2CQR and Martin OK1RR) recommend using the binary installer instead of compiling manually. There is a source package that can be installed but the authors say it is easier to help the users if the binary package is used. It has been tested on several distributions including the latest versions of Slackware, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora and OpenSuSE Linux. CQRLog must have hamlib installed to work. Note that CQRLog is probably not in the distribution repositories, but hamlib is in the repositories of most Debian-based distributions.
    • Again, you must have the current ham libraries installed. In Ubuntu, that is libhamlib2, version 1.2.10-3.
    • Award Tracking:
    • Club logging, like OMISS, 10-10 International, etc. This is found under the membership tab of the Preferences dialog box (File -> Preferences).
    • Allows you to track contacts for clubs or special stations.
    • Lots of preconfigured databases, but also has the ability to add databases for other clubs.
    • There is also Logbook of The World (LoTW) integration, as long as you have Tqsl and Tqslcert installed. (Listen to episodes 43 and 46 of LHS for more on LoTW and Linux.)
    • FLdigi integration! Fldigi must be installed and functional, of course. CQRlog runs in offline or remote mode while running FLdigi. Fldigi is in control. Use FLDigi in the normal way and CQRLog will pickup the information and log it.
    • Xplanet integration.
    • There is currently no other function than DX Cluster spot displaying in true azimuthal projection with correct angles (azimuth) and distances. Alternatively, a map without projection, ie. the globe as seen from the space, can be selected.
    • Additional notes area, which allows you to add extra information to a contact such as picture and text files. This area can contain text, html, pdf, and image files.
    • Other nice features:
      • Automode
      • Group editing
      • Easy DX Cluster setup
      • Bandmap
      • Propagation Window, a simple window providing propagation indices as provided by the NOAA Space Weather Center. CQRLOG does not include any propagation forecast module but keen users can estimate many parameters just from the supplied data.


  • Google Alert: In the ask.elmershack.com forums, AC0QW asks, "What podcasts do you like related to ham radio?" N3JIM recommended Linux in the Ham Shack. Also mentioned: SolderSmoke and The Practical Amateur Radio podcast.
  • Google Alert: In the forum for the Podnutz podcast, Tom asks, "Who else in the forums does a podcast or videocast? I am experimenting (struggling) with doing one on a different subject (Ham radio) and would like to get some inputs from people who are doing shows now." computerteq responds, "There is a podcast called Linux in the ham shack. https://lhspodcast.info/ I personally am not into ham radio, but they might have some info for you. They had a table set up at the South East Linux Fest when I was there."
  • Frazer emailed us that he has experienced problems with the podcast feed, both .mp3 and .ogg. (He also will soon take his license test.) Give it another try, Frazer, and let us know how it goes.
  • Gorkon from The Linux Link Tech Show talks about the LHS and QSK podcasts, and Ohio Linux Fest over at geardiary.com.
  • Randy, K7AGE, has a video chat where he mentions Resonant Frequency and LHS. Russ wishes he would use his name, not just "Bill and another fellow".
  • Mention of LHS on The Techie Geek Episode #71.
  • Link to our site from listener KC8LPZ. We linked back.
  • Bryan, drtelnet, followed us on Identi.ca. Everyone go follow a fellow ham!
  • LHS site via BSM is mentioned by Chris 2W0PHP using his signature at the Transmission 1 forums. Everyone should add "For quality amateur radio and Linux information, visit https://lhspodcast.info." to their email signature files.
  • We have been linked from www.amateurradio.com. We linked back.
  • Russ rants about KE9V stopping the Cornbread Road podcast series in favor of going to a commercial outlet.
  • Frazer B. on Facebook comments that he's using Ubuntu 10.4 and is studying for his amateur radio license in Canada. Good luck, Frazer, and let us know how it goes.
  • Don, WS4E, writes that both Crunchbang Linux and Linux Mint now have versions based directly on Debian. The Mint project is experimental, but Crunchbang has announced that the next version will be based on Debian Testing. Don has tried both, and is staying with the Crunchbang product.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at kb5jbv@gmail.com, Russ at k5tux@lhspodcast.info, or both at the same time at info@lhspodcast.info.
  • Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 888-455-0305 or 417-200-4811, or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.


  • "Superglue" by Heifervescent from the album "The Glue Factory", courtesy of Jamendo.
  • "To a Friend in His Climb" by "Men in Route" from the album "'Ndemo!", courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #049: CQRlog Revisited

Hello, everyone! Due to Cheryl having some hand surgery and my being a telecommuter for the last month or so, I haven't been able to keep up with the podcast release cycle.  We've been recording episodes like we're supposed to. It's just been impossible to get them released on time. That means that #047 and #048 are going to be released in rapid succession so you'll get twice the LHS yummy goodness.

This time around, Richard has been looking a little deeper into CQRlog, a great logging program for Linux created by OK2CQR.  We talked about this program in a past episode and we've mentioned it a few more times in passing. This time we're getting down deep into the features and all of the integrations CQRlog has with other ham radio applications. We also address our usual announcements, feedback, other technical topics and throw in a bunch of witty banter just to keep things interesting. Thanks, all, for staying with us while we try and get back to a regular podcasting cycle. Keep listening and keep spreading the word.

73 de The LHS Guys

Live Video Discontinued

Hi, everyone. Just a quick update to let everyone know that we will no longer be broadcasting the live episodes via Ustream.TV. On the whole, the video is not terribly interesting and it causes problems when either Richard or I have to broadcast in low-bandwidth situations. In place of the video stream, we will have a live audio stream. In order to access the live audio stream, you will need to point your streaming media player (e.g. Rhythmbox, VLC, iTunes, etc.) at https://stream.lhspodcast.info:8008/lhslive. This link can also be found in the right column of the Web site under the Streaming Audio header.

We will still maintain a live chat room as well. In order to access it, you will need to use an IRC client (e.g. irssi, X-Chat, Colloquy, etc.) and connect to irc.freenode.net on port 6667 (the default). Once there, connect to the channel #lhspodcast. Note that this channel is active all the time and there are several LHS listeners who are always handy to ask questions of or to simply chat with. The live audio stream will start working approximately 30 minutes before each live broadcast. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them our way.

73 de The LHS Guys

Joplin Hamfest Raffle Winner

Hello! We have just done the drawing for the raffle we held at the Joplin ARC Hamfest back in August. We would once again like to thank everyone who stopped by our booth and who talked with us about our podcast, Linux, Open Source and the ham radio hobby. Drum roll, please...

The winner is: Jim, K5LAD!

Congratulations, Jim. Your Linux in the Ham Shack swag (T-shirt) is on its way to you as we speak. Thanks for entering the drawing. Until next time, happy listening!

73 de The LHS Guys