LHS Episode #452: A Bit O’ Blarney

Hello and welcome to the 452nd installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this short topics episode, the hosts discuss ARRL grants, FreeDV Activity Day, the demise of TenTec, new WINE, new Ubuntu, IMs via ham radio and much more. Thank you for listening and have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #451: VSCode Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 451st installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss the care and feeding of VSCode. VSCode is a developer environment and testing platform for almost any language and is cross platform, leveraging all the beast parts of your operating system and programming tools. We touch on everything from installing to configuring to using the platform for development, debugging and version control. We hope you find this discussion entertaining and informative. We also hope you have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #451: VSCode Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 451st installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss the care and feeding of VSCode. VSCode is a developer environment and testing platform for almost any language and is cross platform, leveraging all the beast parts of your operating system and programming tools. We touch on everything from installing to configuring to using the platform for development, debugging and version control. We hope you find this discussion entertaining and informative. We also hope you have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #451: VSCode Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 451st installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss the care and feeding of VSCode. VSCode is a developer environment and testing platform for almost any language and is cross platform, leveraging all the beast parts of your operating system and programming tools. We touch on everything from installing to configuring to using the platform for development, debugging and version control. We hope you find this discussion entertaining and informative. We also hope you have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew