LHS Episode #129: Don’t Penetrate Me

nail-gun-footIn this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, your mild mannered hosts discuss ham radio self-education, elmering and Hamvention. On the Linux side of things, we look at installing drivers for a Yaesu radio, and take a live look at a Debian-based distribution known as SolydX. There's also lots of feedback, and a surprise visit by our ol' pal Richard. Chaos ensues!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #128: Interview with OK2CQR

Petr-OK2CQRIn this episode, we have a great interview with Linux software developer and ham radio enthusiast from the Czeck Republic, Petr Hlozek - OK2CQR. He is the author of CQRlog and HamQTH.com. Unfortunately, Petr's audio was a little hot and nothing we could do made it better. Our sincerest apologies. Sound problems aside, we hope you enjoy this fascinating look into the life and mind of an Open Source ham.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #127: Dirty Catfish

Walking Catfish moving across muddy ground , out of waterIn this episode, your intrepid hosts discuss several ham-radio related stories including operators interfering with jail communications, getting lost in strange valleys, and transmitting through a hammock. But that's only the beginning. Thanks for tuning, and for being a valued listener of our show.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #126: We Blinded Ourselves with Science

o-GRAVITY-WAVES-570In this episode, we get all science crazy. Lots of fun science topics to tickle the brain are in store. Along with that, we pursue the new LTS release of Ubuntu, the disappearance of Maylasia Airlines flight MH370, and some pretty cool tunes. There's even some ham radio content thrown in, 'cause that's how we roll.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #125: YFKTest Lives!

dj1yfkIn this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, Pete goes AWOL. While he's out being dishonorably discharged, Harrison and Cheryl step in to fill his medium-sized shoes. We also get an interview with Bob, W9YA, current maintainer of YFKTest. He tells us all about the new and exciting world of YFKTest and how it's not, in fact, dead.

73 de The LHS Guys