LHS Episode #112: Mother Fudgsicle

richard-300x300Hello, dear listeners! In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, we get a visit from a long-lost friend--who quickly turns out to be kryptonite and derails the show faster than you can say, "Dallas-Fort Worth." Amongst the hilarity and reminiscing, we manage to discuss some Linux and ham radio related news, a new Linux distribution, give some command line tips for the beginner, and generally have a good time. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for being you.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #111: CrunchBang on My Mind

crunchbang-logoHello, LHS listeners! Well, we've had a bit of a hiatus as I found a couple of other projects that took a lot of my time. But we're back! The episodes have been recorded on schedule, and we're still doing them live every other Tuesday. I've just had a hard time getting them edited and put out. But look for the last three within the next 7-10 days. Hope you're all doing well, and don't worry--we're not going anywhere.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #110: GIMP’n

the-gimp-1July has been a bit of a rough month for Linux in the Ham Shack. Pete, our illustrious Canadian cohort, takes an extended break with his family during this time, leaving him little room for podcasting. That is to say, none at all. In the meantime, Russ has been dealing with a series of health problems which has kept him away from the microphone and editing computer. Despite this, Episode #110 is finally done and coming to you now. In this episode, the guys chat a bit about Canada Day and the 4th of July (two holidays now long past for this year). Then there's stuff about Field Day, The GIMP, Manjaro Linux and more. And yes, there IS a winner of the illustrious Beaglebone Black. If you weren't around for the live drawing, now you can find out who won. Thanks for keeping the faith, dear listeners. We'll be back on track soon. Promise.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #109: Having a Field Day

PrintHello, dear listener! Welcome to Episode #109 of Linux in the Ham Shack. This episode is being released a bit early because there is time sensitive material included, and we wanted to make sure it was available to everyone before the ARRL Field Day weekend, June 22-23, 2013.

Also included along with our thoughts on Field Day are our thoughts on Electronic Design Automation, Manjaro Linux and some introspection and extrospection on the art of podcasting. We would like to warn everyone in advance that this episode of LHS may include language that some listeners might find objectionable or not suitable for young children. We don't plan on making this a habit, but due to the strong feelings involved and the importance of the topic being discussed, we did not feel censorship was appropriate.

We hope you enjoy this installment and look forward to your continued listenership. Also, don't forget to check out the Contests page for info on how you can still win a Beaglebone Black!

73 de The LHS Guys