LHS Episode #180: Blacklisted

In this episode, Linux in the Ham Shack takes you a journey into sight and sound. Well, mostly sound. Topics include operating below 500kHz, new stuff in WSJT-X, an open letter from a young ham to the curmudgeons in the room, Ham Radio Deluxe being nefarious again, Ubuntu 16.10 with Budgie, a useful Debian utility, contributing to Open Source as a newbie (or oldbie) and much more.

We also send our thoughts and condolences to the young daughter, family and friends of Matthew Williams, Lord Drachenblut, KD9BWJ. He passed away much too young on December 6, 2016, after a long struggle against cancer. We miss you, brother.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #177: Cherbyl the Witch

witch-155291_960_720It's time for Episode #177 of the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast. In this episode, your tired and slightly confused hosts tackle craziness in Australia, digital voice on the DV4Home, things powered by Linux you might not expect to be, Microsoft and GitHub, $5 SBCs, a new Linux kernel release, TQSL and much more. Thank you for stopping by to check out our problem. We hope you enjoy. If you do--or even if you don't--please take a moment and send us some feedback. We'd love to hear from you.

73 de The LHS Crew