LHS Episode #221: Svxlink Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to this latest episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we take an in-depth look at the Linux-native Echolink client called Qtel, the server, called Svxlink, and the conference bridge called TheBridge. Most of the episode is devoted to getting your own Svxlink server up and running and connected to a radio for link or repeater service but we do touch on all aspects, clients and operations of Echolink. Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #220: Polysyllabic

Welcome to Episode 220 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we tackle such monumental topics as weather spotting, the ARRL Teacher's Institute open enrollment, AlaskIT.co, the EU and its stupid rules, the Open Container Initiative, HF packet, Echolink, big words and much more. Thanks for listening. Please donate to our GoFundMe campaign if you can. If you can't, please share, Share, SHARE!

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #219: The Weekender VII

Welcome to another incredible (and we mean "in-cred-ible") edition of The Weekender. In this episode, we talk about some upcoming QSO parties for various US states, some special event stations coming up, SSTV from the ISS, NixOS, upcoming Linux and Open Source conferences, a Lowland Scotch whisky, really good ham sandwiches and drinking pine trees. All that and a lot more. Thanks for listening!

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #218: USB Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to Linux in the Ham Shack. This is Episode 218 and in it your hosts take a deep dive in to the world of serial devices and the Universal Serial Bus. Lots of information here about how to configure your Linux systems to work properly and more efficiently with USB devices for fun, work and ham radio. We also have announcements and feedback. Thank you for listening, and please take a moment to drop a few dollars into our tip jar at the Hamvention 2018 GoFundMe campaign. Hope to see you in Ohio in May!

73 de the LHS Crew

LHS Episode #217: A Punch in the Facebag

Welcome to Episode 217 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts touch on upcoming hamfests and Hamvention 2018, FCC workshops on disaster preparedness, DX opportunities on 10 Meters, the death of Facebook, new and update ham radio software on Github and much more. Thanks for listening and please don't forget to donate to or share our Hamvention 2018 campaign. Thanks a bunch!

73 de The LHS Crew