LHS Episode #211: The Weekender IV

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Weekender version of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss the best cheese in the world, how "terrific" the podcast is, a young and complex single-malt Scotch, Hamvention 2018, W5MOO upgrading to General Class and much more. They even threw in a great old(ish) song by Paul and Storm. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #210: Tripping Over Neurodiversity

In this slightly manic episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, the hosts discuss a variety of topics including building SDR antennas out of garbage, the pseudoscience of neurodiversity, training programs for teachers in technology, millenials amateur radio, open source hardware, how to behave in an increasingly PC world, fldigi on an RPi and much, much more. Thank you for tuning in, as always.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #209: The Weekender III

Welcome to another edition of The Weekender. These episodes are designed to give you fun things to do, touch, hear or see for your weekend. It may be food, drink, amateur radio, science, technology, open source or anything at all. But the hope is that it's enjoyable, entertaining and possibly educational. Thanks for listening!
73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #208: Ham Radio Logging Deep Dive

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, the hosts take an in-depth look at ham radio logging. Topics include: should you log? What are the most popular logging applications? What formats are available? Should you log to the cloud? Logging best practices. And a whole lot more. We also address announcements and listener feedback. Thank you for tuning in!

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #207: D-Star One – A Ham Radio Story

In this latest installment of Linux in the Ham Shack, the hosts discuss a new D-Star satellite being launched, wee ones deleting bookmarks, the ARRL and symbol rate limits, an Open Source anniversary, Ansible, a new LimeSDR and much more. Thank you for listening. We hope you enjoy!

73 de The LHS Crew