LHS Episode #183: All the Acronyms

Hello, listeners! In this episode the Linux in the Ham Shack crew talks about topics including new 60-meter allocations, updates to codec2, the Batbeam antenna, quantum computing, an amateur radio-related cape for Raspberry Pi, morse code decoders, Hamvention and much more. Thank you for downloading this episode and giving it a listen. Don't forget to send us feedback. We're on all the social media networks and we even have a call-in feedback line at +1-909-547-7469.

73 de The LHS Crew


LHS Episode #148: Alligators Are Good Eatin’

Alligator-DinnerWelcome to Episode #148 of Linux in the Ham Shack! In this installment, your hosts discuss Art Bell and the radio of kooks everywhere, free newsletters, Linux terminal utilities, FreeDV, FlexRadio, loggers and a whole bunch more. Thanks for listening, and enjoy all the information we cram in your earholes.

73 de The LHS Guys