LHS Episode #119: Just Keep Swimming

Scared_Nemo_Wallpaper_0w1r5An action-packed episode awaits your eager ears. In Episode #119 of Linux in the Ham Shack, your intrepid hosts discuss the new Cinnamon desktop, Amazon's desire to make deliveries by unmanned drones, WEFAX and slow-scan television. On top of that, there is information on the best light weight desktop environments for your computer, and the announcement of a new contest where you can win a Raspberry Pi. Check out the Contest page for more details. Thanks as always for being a loyal listener, and have a very merry holiday season!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #118: Making Flippy Floppy, Sol Style

506449main_FAQ2Hello, friends! Episode #118 of Linux in the Ham Shack is ready for your immediate consumption. Lots of ham radio and Linux related news in this episode, including discussion of Ham Radio Now, the sun's magnetosphere, digital contacts on 28MHz, Linux Mint, Linux news aggregation sites and more. Sit back in your easy chair, put on your headphones, and enjoy a sweet slice of podcast nirvana. Until next time...

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #117: On Point (For Once)

pointlinuxHello, podcast listeners! It's getting cold outside. Now would be a good time to curl up in your favorite chair with your media player, a warm fire and an episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. As it happens, we have a new one for you right now. Your hosts discuss some newly updated ham radio software for Linux, including a lightweight logging application, CW decoder and VHF propagation modeler. Then they give you an in-depth peek at the distribution known as Point Linux. All of that is followed by feedback and a few announcements that you really should stay tuned for. Please enjoy, and thanks for being a valued member of the Linux in the Ham Shack community.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #115: A Mile High and Lovin’ It

rocky_mountains_smlWelcome, everyone, to a special installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we catch up with two fellow podcasters and friends: Rich, KD0RG, and Brady, AC0XR of the Low SWR podcast. During the course of our interview, the guys talk about Field Day, contesting, logging software, Point Linux, HamOS, their recent home activities and much, much more. This episode was a lot of fun, and we think you'll enjoy the informative and interesting discussion as well. Thanks for tuning in, and thanks for being a listener of the show.

73 de The LHS Guys