LHS Episode #140: The Great Digression

keep-calm-and-digress-oftenHello, listeners! In this fortnight's episode, we discuss emergency communications, Hamvention, paperless FCC licenses, the Rowetel SM1000, ShinySDR, streaming Netflix on Linux and a whole bunch of other stuff. Thank you for listening, and don't forget to donate to our Indiegogo Hamvention campaign if you can.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #139: Daihatsu and Pretzels

Daihatsu_PretzelThis is the 139th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, your co-hosts have a rollicking good time while managing to discuss some important topics. Those topics include: using breathing as Morse Code, satellite communications with a handheld radio, Linux Mint, computer security, electric cars and much more. Thanks for listening, and please donate to our Hamvention Indiegogo campaign if you can.

LHS Episode #139: Daihatsu and Pretzels

Daihatsu_PretzelThis is the 139th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, your co-hosts have a rollicking good time while managing to discuss some important topics. Those topics include: using breathing as Morse Code, satellite communications with a handheld radio, Linux Mint, computer security, electric cars and much more. Thanks for listening, and please donate to our Hamvention Indiegogo campaign if you can.

LHS Episode #139: Daihatsu and Pretzels

Daihatsu_PretzelThis is the 139th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, your co-hosts have a rollicking good time while managing to discuss some important topics. Those topics include: using breathing as Morse Code, satellite communications with a handheld radio, Linux Mint, computer security, electric cars and much more. Thanks for listening, and please donate to our Hamvention Indiegogo campaign if you can.

LHS Episode #138: Being David Rowe

David RoweHow about that: It's the first episode of Linux in the Ham Shack for 2015! We hope everyone is having a great new year so far. In this episode, we talk with David Rowe, VK5DGR, of Adelaide, South Australia. David is an audio engineer, Ph.D. scholar, inventor of Codec2 and co-author of FreeDV, among his many accolades. We talk to David about his projects, Linux, amateur radio, life in Australia, LinuxConf AU, the new SM1000 FreeDV device, the amount of energy it takes to make a Krispy Kreme donut, home built electric cars, and much more. Until next time...

73 de The LHS Guys