LHS Episode #114: Steamed Orca Tails

orca2-smThey're coming fast and furious now! After a long period of not having the time or energy to edit episodes, we're finally getting around to pushing out the backlog. In this action-packed installment, your intrepid hosts tackle gaming on Linux using the Steam platform, accessible computing, mention a site listing more than 50 places you can download Free Software and more. We also revisit the products of Sierra Radio Systems and Pignology, and wish Fedora a happy birthday. All THIS WEEK, on Linux in the Ham Shack!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #114: Steamed Orca Tails

orca2-smThey're coming fast and furious now! After a long period of not having the time or energy to edit episodes, we're finally getting around to pushing out the backlog. In this action-packed installment, your intrepid hosts tackle gaming on Linux using the Steam platform, accessible computing, mention a site listing more than 50 places you can download Free Software and more. We also revisit the products of Sierra Radio Systems and Pignology, and wish Fedora a happy birthday. All THIS WEEK, on Linux in the Ham Shack!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #114: Steamed Orca Tails

orca2-smThey're coming fast and furious now! After a long period of not having the time or energy to edit episodes, we're finally getting around to pushing out the backlog. In this action-packed installment, your intrepid hosts tackle gaming on Linux using the Steam platform, accessible computing, mention a site listing more than 50 places you can download Free Software and more. We also revisit the products of Sierra Radio Systems and Pignology, and wish Fedora a happy birthday. All THIS WEEK, on Linux in the Ham Shack!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #113: Eye to the QScope

Logo_Qscope_mYes, that's right: It's another brand-new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack! We know it's been a while since your RSS feed has been filled with the joy of our show, but we're back and aiming to stay on track (now that Richard is safely tucked into his cardboard box again). In this action-packed installment, your hosts discuss promoting Linux in the classroom, a wedding interrupted by a radio transmission from above, WA0EIR's updated suite of Open Source ham radio tools, and a novel analytics tool for hams called QScope. See you all down the dial very soon!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #113: Eye to the QScope

Logo_Qscope_mYes, that's right: It's another brand-new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack! We know it's been a while since your RSS feed has been filled with the joy of our show, but we're back and aiming to stay on track (now that Richard is safely tucked into his cardboard box again). In this action-packed installment, your hosts discuss promoting Linux in the classroom, a wedding interrupted by a radio transmission from above, WA0EIR's updated suite of Open Source ham radio tools, and a novel analytics tool for hams called QScope. See you all down the dial very soon!

73 de The LHS Guys