Author: Russ Woodman
LHS Episode #101: O Sole Mio
Welcome to the first episode of Linux in the Ham Shack that doesn't have Richard it in, on purpose. I can personally say that I feel his absence rather heavily in this program, but overall I think the show went rather well. Harrison, VE2HKW, was kind enough to be a guest host to help me out. Episode #102 will also have a couple of guest hosts, rather likeable ones at that, and so it will go until a permanent(?) replacement is found for Richard. We can only hope he comes back one day to grace us with tales of strippers on scooters and discharging firearms indoors. Until then, I soldier on. Thanks for listening and remember, you can send feedback to, or by voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469).
73 de Russ, K5TUX
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Show Notes @#100
- Promo: Listen to the Linux Basement Podcast.
- Happy Birthday, Richard!
- Yes, folks, it's episode 100 of Linux in the Ham Shack. We're now eligible for syndication! 🙂
- In celebration of our 100th episode, several of our listeners in the chat room call in and participate in a roundtable discussion. Participants include Harrison (VE2HKW), Brian (K5BPC), and Jon (KT4KB). Unfortunately, noise on Jon's connection prevented him from staying on the line.
- We received voice messages from listeners Michelle, Joy, Rich (KD0RG), Doug (N6LMX), Nick, Jon, "Major J", and Harrison (VE2HKW).
- Feedback from Matt (KD8SZG), who asks which would be a better choice for a new HF user: a used IC-7000 or new FT-857D. The consensus is to choose the new FT-857D.
- Jon, KT4KB, asks how Russ and Richard met.
- Richard makes a shocking announcement!
- We have a short discussion of FreeDV vs. D-STAR, followed by a brief discussion of various Linux distributions.
- Richard makes a few final comments.
Contact Info:
- Contact Richard at, Russ at, or both at the same time at
- Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
- Leave us a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (1-909-547-7469), or record an introduction to the podcast.
- Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
- Sign up for the MAGNetcon mailing list.
- LHS merchandise is available at the Merch link on Web site. Check out the Badgerwear or buy one of the other LHS-branded items at or Cafe Press. Thanks!
- Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.
- Gun Slinger by Daniel Worth.
LHS Episode #100: The Centennial
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