Linux Outlaw on LHS

The live recording of LHS Episode #079 is being moved to today, March 19th, at approximately 4:30pm CDT (2130 UTC). This is to accommodate our very special guest, Fabian "Fab" Scherschel of the Linux Outlaws podcast. We might even get a cameo from Dan Lynch as well; no word on that yet. So if you can, please join us for the live broadcast and visit with us in the chat room during the show.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #077


  • We're recording live, with music played as we record. Our guest tonight is Harrison, VE2HKW, from the MintCast podcast.


  • The Dalton Hamfest will be in Dalton, Georgia on February 25, 2012. The LHS Ambassador is Ronny, K4RJJ. This has probably come and gone by the time you hear this.
  • The KARC Hamfest will be held in Marietta, Georgia, March 17, 2012. Our LHS Ambassador is again Ronny, K4RJJ. Thanks, Ronny!
  • The Northeast Linux Fest will be in Worcester, Massachusetts on March 17, 2012. We're still looking for an LHS ambassador for this event. Contact us at if you'd like to help.
  • Some of you may have noticed that the LHS web site has been down occasionally. For some reason, the server locks up. We can't tell if it's a denial of service attack, or an improper configuration, but we're working on it.
  • Paul, KE5WMA, in the chat room, reminds us of the Acadiana Hamfest on March 9, 2012, near Lafayette, LA., and the New Orleans Hamfest on March 24, 2012.
  • Happy Mardi Gras!


  • Linux Utilities - Russ introduces us to some GNU/Linux utilities that provide information about your Linux system's performance.
    • top shows a list of the processes running in descending order of resource consumption.
    • iftop allows you to monitor connections to your machine and the bandwidth used by each.
    • ifstat reports the amount of data passing through the interfaces every second, or other interval. For example, ifstat -i eth0 10 1 would report how much data moved through the first ethernet port in 10 seconds, and only do this once. Handy for capturing such information in a script program.
    • iotop shows what processes are the top disk I/O users.
    • All of these are command line utilities. Press Q to exit. Check the man pages for other keystrokes that can be used while the utilities run.
  • Interview with Harrison, VE2HKW
    • Harrison, VE2HKW, is a recent ham radio licensee and describes his introduction to the hobby, what he likes and doesn't like, and provides an overview of the Canadian amateur radio licensing structure.
    • Harrison is also a member of the Covey Hill Amateur Radio Club (CHARC).
    • Check out Harrison's blog and pictures of his ham shack.
    • Tune in to the MintCast podcast on Monday nights, 8:00pm eastern time, 01:00 UTC. Join the chat at, #mintcast
    • You can contact Harrison by email at or


  • We received donations from Steve S., Paul G., and Bill H. Thank you! These donations will be added to the Dayton Hamvention fund to cover the costs of LHS' presence at the 2012 Dayton Hamvention in Dayton, OH, May 18-20, 2012.
  • LHS had several mentions on Twitter by Neptune78.
  • Serge, ON4AA, asks about using the LHS logo to publicize the show. Russ explains that the LHS logo is not Creative Commons licensed, so please ask for permission to use it.
  • Larry Bushey of the Going Linux podcast responds to recent comments we made about their show. It's a love fest!
  • Leif, KC8RWR, continues an ongoing comment dialog.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at, Russ at, or both at the same time at
  • Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (1-909-547-7469), or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • Sign up for the MAGNetcon mailing list.
  • LHS merchandise is available at the Merch link on Web site. Check out the Badgerwear or buy one of the other LHS-branded items at or Cafe Press. Thanks!
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.


  • "Rainbow Over The Bayou" by Regis V. Gronoff, from the album Hummingbird & Honeybee, courtesy of Jamendo
  • "Twist and Shout" by Swamp Daddy, from the album Swamp Daddy, also courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #077: North of the Border

Today Linux in the Ham Shack is graced with the appearance of an additional co-host: Harrison, VE2HKW, an amateur radio operator from Canada and sometimes host of the Mintcast, a podcast for Linux users from members of the Linux Mint community.

In the first segment, our hosts discuss three very useful Linux utilities for analyzing system performance on your desktop or server: iftop, ifstat and iotop. Get in-depth knowledge of how to use these tools in order to make your machine run better with fewer bottlenecks. And since Harrison is from a whole other country, it was decided he should tell all of us about amateur radio from a Canadian perspective, including licensing, regulations and operating practices.

Hamvention 2012 is coming up very soon. Please donate to the fund if you can. We hope to see everyone there!

73 de The LHS Guys (and Harrison, too)