Author: Russ Woodman
LHS Episode #036: Are We There Yet?
We've managed to cobble together another round table discussion for Episode #034 of Linux in the HAM Shack. Thanks to Lord Drachenblut of Ten Buck Review and our party crasher, Jonathan, KB1KIX, for helping us out with this episode.
The format is a little bit different this time based on some feedback from listeners. If you like what you hear or would rather have us go back to the way things were, let us know. We're interested in what you think. Our topic tonight is a thought provoking e-mail that we received before last episode from Jim, N2ENN. Hopefully we've given it an honest appraisal.
Please send us your feedback, your questions and your donations to obtain a noise gate for Richard. Also, enter our two contests for a chance to win real money! And stay tuned for our next recording. We have a very special guest interview coming up. You won't want to miss it.
73 from the LHS Guys
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LHS Show Notes #035
- Steve posted a message at the Resonant Frequency forums and asked about the early episodes not being available on iTunes. That was a "feature", but Richard "fixed" it. Going forward, once we hit 50 episodes, older ones will drop off the feed to iTunes, so you'll need to go to the web site to get them.
- Chris, ZL2CCO, posted a link to the LHS site on his blog. Thanks, Chris!
- Via snail mail we received a donation and feedback from Tom, NC0O. He's been enjoying the podcast and sent a donation to support the Dayton expedition. Thanks, Tom!
- Walter, KV6M, writes to clear up a mistake from Episode 31. We incorrectly attributed the penultimate donation to the Dayton fund to Walter, WN3LIF, but it was, in fact, from Walter, KV6M. Sorry, Walter, we've corrected the show notes, and thank you for the donation, and correction. We're sorry for the confusion.
- Doug, N6LMX, sends his greetings and wonders what happened to a message he sent some time ago and was never mentioned, so he sent it again. (Richard had been holding it for the other show.) Doug wonders which Linux distribution Richard chose for his old Dell Latitude laptop. Richard chose Crunchbang Linux Lite. Also mentioned, the Midori browser.
- Larry, W0AY, writes to express his appreciation for Episode 31. He would like to see Richard get a mute switch for his microphone. Thanks, Larry, and we're currently soliciting donations for a noise gate for Richard.
- LHS got a mention in an anonymous comment in the Linux Journal forums.
- Chris, K3DC, mentions LHS in a presentation he prepared, perhaps for a club meeting.
- Another LHS mention in an IRC log posted to pastebin.
- Jim, N2ENN, writes to offer some information about microphones in response to Bill's microphone rant in Episode 31, and discusses Linux drivers. Thanks for the information, Jim. We'll talk more about this in a later episode.
- Glynne, KD5VQD, offers his wallet-sized reference card for the phonetic alphabet. Thanks, Glynne. Russ will post it in the Articles section of the Linux in the Ham Shack web site.
- Klaatu mentions in his blog that he enjoyed the song "Flash in a Bottle" by Dead Heart Bloom in Episode 30.
- Others have commented that they enjoyed the song "Don't Go" by Tenpenny Joke that was featured in Episode 31.
- Southeast Linuxfest v2.0 is set for June 12-13 at the Marriott at Renaissance Park hotel in Spartanburg, SC! Russ is planning on being there, as is Klaatu.
- Texas Linux Fest will be Saturday, April 10, 2010 at the Monarch Events Center, Austin, Texas
- Logo Contest: The Linux in the Ham Shack logo needs an update, and we'd like a new logo before the 2010 Dayton Hamvention. Please submit your original logo, preferably in .tiff or .svg format, or in a very large .jpg, to Russ and/or Richard. Deadline is March 31, 2010. If selected, you will win $100!
- Program Intro Contest: Record your Linux in the Ham Shack introduction and send it along. Record it on your computer and send the sound file, or call 888-455-0305, or 417-429-4069, and record your intro via the phone. All entries will eventually be used, but one winner will be chosen at random and will receive $25. Recordings made via the phone numbers will have two chances to win.
- Send your submissions for either contest to Russ or Richard
- We've been having problems with our hosting service. It's likely that the Black Sparrow Media sites will be moving sometime in the next few months. Check the web site for details as they develop.
- Look for Linux in the Ham Shack at the 2010 Dayton Hamvention. We'll be in the North Hall, booth #265 (NH0265).
- Our new donation goal is to raise sufficient money to purchase a noise gate for Richard. Every little bit helps, so please click on the Donate link and send along a dollar or two.
Links and Notes:
- Callsign lookups: the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS), and
- Our hosts talk to Klaatu, well-known podcaster and IRC denizen (as notKlaatu). (see The Day the Earth Stood Still). Klaatu is involved with several podcasts, including The Bad Apples, available through Hacker Public Radio, Fedora Reloaded, Linux Cranks, Today in Tech Radio, and others. He can often be found on in about any channel with Linux in the title.
- Russ and Klaatu talk about using xmodmap to remap keyboard key assignments. Klaatu discussed that in episode 5x04 of The Bad Apples podcast. More info is available in the show notes for that episode. He also has an article describing how you can also remap the Control key to the Caps Lock key.
- Soylent Green
- THX 1138
- Klaatu uses to record some of his podcasts.
- Sansa Clips
- Setting MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) or MSC (Mass Storage Class) on the Sansa Clip (Follow the link in that article for instructions.)
- ROCKbox open source firmware for mp3 players.
- The Linux Outlaws podcast. (We love Fab! And Dan, too.)
- Check out the cool pictures of Unix desktops.
- "Bessie's Secret" by Heifervescent from the album "Murder in the Garden."
- "Breathing on Another Planet" by No, Really from the album "Rust."
LHS Episode #035: Soylent Green is Bad Apples
LHS Episode #035: Soylent Green is Bad Apples
Last week in the Linux in the HAM Shack chat room, we had a lot of participation from our listeners. It was so great to see everyone there. We hope that in the future, more people will get a chance to check out the live show. Check back here on the web site for the schedule of live recordings.
This episode of Linux in the Ham Shack is jam-packed with content. We have a special guest from around the Interwebs that you will likely know if you listen to other podcasts about Linux. The show did run a bit longer than usual, but there is just so much in it I couldn't begin to tell you everything you're going to hear. I do hope that you'll stick around for the entire episode because there are some goodies near the end that you will not want to miss out on, including how you can win significant cold, hard cash.
Thanks to our special guest, our live participants and to everyone who listens to the show. PLEASE, tell everyone you know about us, and that we're not just for amateur radio enthusiasts. Technofiles, geeks, Linux and FOSS addicts and just about everyone will gain something from the podcast. Oh, and due to a couple of technical problems, the audio quality in this episode is poor in a few places. I did the best I could. Next time it'll be better. Have a great week!
73 de Russ and Richard
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