Episode Renumbering

In case anyone has seen weird behavior in the RSS feeds or on the Web sites, let me explain:  I have renumbered episodes after #018.  Back then I recorded a couple of updates from OSCON 2010 and called them Episode #018A and Episode #019A.  Not long after that, the discrepancy in numbering started to eat at me.  Now a couple of years later, I have decided to do something about it.  All of the episodes have been renumbered, meaning that we're a couple of episodes ahead of where we were.  This will probably cause a little bit of confusion in the short term but overall I am happy that it is done.  Nothing else has changed, just the numbering scheme. Thank you for your patience while we go through this brief transition period.

73 de Russ, Linux in the Ham Shack

Black Sparrow Media Mobile App

The Black Sparrow Media mobile application which lets you see all kinds of content related to programs on the BSM Network, is now available in iTunes.  Simple search for "black sparrow" on your Apple mobile device and you can download it for free.  The application was previously released for Android and is available for any device with access to the Android Marketplace.  You can even use the app to listen to live stream shows of Linux in the Ham Shack! New programs are coming to the Black Sparrow Media Network in the very near future, so stay tuned for that as well.


Web Site Outage

Sorry for the recent Web site downtime. It was a stupid error on my (K5TUX's) part. Also, it drives home the need for me to separate the production Web server from the development one. Hopefully that will be accomplished in the near future and downtime like was experienced over the last few days will not happen again. Thank you for hanging in there and welcome back to the site.

73 de K5TUX

Problem with gPodder Resolved

It's come to our attention several times over the last few months that listeners who use gPodder to download the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast have had a problem with missing episodes. After a very lengthy investigation we have traced the problem to a bug in one of the plugins that we use for our WordPress site. That problem was leading to a <lastBuildDate> tag in our RSS feed that was far into the future. This meant that gPodder wouldn't update its feed information until that date arrived, causing new episodes not to show up.

We have taken care of the feed building issue, but those who use gPodder must still delete and re-add the Linux in the Ham Shack feed to their podcatcher in order to fix this problem. That will ensure that your version of gPodder has the correct RSS feed build date and you will receive new episodes as they are released.

Thank you for your attention, and if you have any further questions make sure to send them our way!

73 de The LHS Guys