LHS Episode #228: Hamvention 2018 Update 2

In this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, your hosts do a couple of live interviews on Saturday at Hamvention 2018. The first is with Kevin, K2FN, and the second is with Gene, BX8AAD. There is also a second-day wrap up of the event and lots of discussion and banter about ham radio, Ohio, the weather, vendors, visitors and a lot more. Thank you for listening.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #226: Short and Sour

Welcome to the latest episode of Linux in the Ham Shack! This is our short segment show just before Hamvention 2018. Our crowd funding campaign was successful and we thank you so very much for that. We also look forward to seeing you in Xenia. Our topics this week include the Amateur Radio Parity Act, Morse code keyboards for your Android device, CubeSat launches, Ubuntu, Ubuntu and Ubuntu. All the best and thanks for listening.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #225: Gpredict Deep Dive

Welcome to another exciting episode of the most terrific podcast on the Internet today. In this episode, the hosts discuss using gpredict for satellite tracking, rig control and rotor contol. They also delve into some of the complexities of and rewards to satellite communication in amateur radio. Thank you for listening and see you in Xenia.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #224: The Weekender IX

Welcome to the newest edition of Linux in the Ham Shack, Weekender Edition. In this episode, we have a special interview with our friend Carter Hutchinson, K9KJN, who has a varied and very interesting back story and current story. We also discuss upcoming ham radio contests, special events, Open Source conferences, obscure Linux distributions, listener challenges, wine, food and song. Everything to keep you going for the next two weeks. Thanks for listening and see you in Xenia!

73 de The LHS Crew