LHS Episode #056: The Squeal of Feedback

Hi, folks. Episode #054 of Linux in the Ham Shack is an all-feedback episode. We cover a lot of ground in this one, from how to run Linux using WUBI, via dual boot, from a flash drive and more. There's a bit about PIC controllers, feed problems, sticks in the mud, a sprinkling of badgers and a whole lot more. Keep that feedback coming. We love it!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #055: FLDIGI In Depth

Welcome to the first Linux in the Ham Shack for the new year! 2011 is upon us and we wanted to present our listeners with a fantabulous new show. That's what you're going to get. We were able to entice the lead developer of FLDIGI, W1HKJ, to come on the program and give us his personal insights into this best-of-class Open Source amateur radio software.

Yes, we know we talk about FLDIGI a lot in our program. We try not to beat it to death. But if you use this program, there is so much information packed into this interview, you're going to learn at least a dozen things you didn't know about FLDIGI, even if you use it every day. So sit back, strap in, and join us on this thrill-packed ride into the dark and seedy innards of your favorite digital mode app. We were impressed; you will be too.

73 de The LHS Guys

Problem with gPodder Resolved

It's come to our attention several times over the last few months that listeners who use gPodder to download the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast have had a problem with missing episodes. After a very lengthy investigation we have traced the problem to a bug in one of the plugins that we use for our WordPress site. That problem was leading to a <lastBuildDate> tag in our RSS feed that was far into the future. This meant that gPodder wouldn't update its feed information until that date arrived, causing new episodes not to show up.

We have taken care of the feed building issue, but those who use gPodder must still delete and re-add the Linux in the Ham Shack feed to their podcatcher in order to fix this problem. That will ensure that your version of gPodder has the correct RSS feed build date and you will receive new episodes as they are released.

Thank you for your attention, and if you have any further questions make sure to send them our way!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #054: Unity Ucks

It's the holiday season and we had time for one more podcast this year. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a prosperous New Year in 2011. Linux in the Ham Shack has undergone a few changes and weathered a few challenges in the last 2+ years, but we're still going and expect to be going for a long time to come. We want to thank everyone for their continuing support and continuing listenership. We would not have a podcast without you, and we wouldn't know what to do if you weren't there.

So spend time with your families and enjoy all of the wonderful things that life brings at this time of year, and hopefully all the year through. And if you find the time, curl up on the sofa with year headphones next to the roaring fire, crank up LHS and sit back and enjoy our gift of holiday cheer.

73 and Happy Holidays de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #053: Windows in the Ham Shack?

Hello, everyone. We're coming to the end of another year and the world is aglow with holiday spirit. With that in mind, we bring you the second-to-last episode of Linux in the Ham Shack for 2010. We will have one more recording and release before the end of the year, so don't miss out on our holiday extravaganza.

We no longer broadcast video via Ustream, but we do have a live audio feed. Just point your streaming audio player at https://stream.lhspodcast.info:8008/lhslive starting about 30 minutes prior to air time (8:15pm CT). You can join in the chat room scene as well with your favorite IRC client. We are at irc.freenode.net in channel #lhspodcast. The channel is available 24/7, even when we're not doing a live show. Join in when you can and chat with other LHS listeners. During the live show, #lhspodcast becomes our chat room and our live connection with YOU.

Cheers and 73 from the LHS Guys