LHS Episode #046: The TuxTel Conglomerate

Episode #044 of Linux in the Ham Shack makes its debut, and even on time. We're still trying to catch up on a little bit of a backlog so this episode is mostly feedback from listeners. We touch on a variety of topics including packet radio, the AX.25 kernel driver for TNCs, the importance of Linux and Open Source, Android and emerging Linux markets, and much, much more.

Thanks for taking the time to download us and being an ever-faithful listener. We would be nothing without you and we want to let you know that we appreciate each and every pair of ears that hears us every fortnight. Don't forget to send us your feedback, whether it be as a comment on the Web site, a voice mail submitted via our toll-free hot-line or an e-mail to one or both of us. Also, please don't forget about making donations or buying some of our LHS merchandise if you have the wherewithal to do so. Enjoy our current offering and we'll be back live in a week for more rowdy fun.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #045: Logbook of the World

Episode #043 of Linux in the Ham Shack almost didn't exist. In the process of trying to edit the audio for the program, I managed to delete everything that I had recorded. By some miracle of coincidence, I actually remembered to record the entire episode at Ustream.TV. I almost never remember to do that but it happened this time. The audio was recovered from the live video stream and I put it back together. There are a couple of minor flaws and the quality might not be as good as normal but at least it exists. Since the edited version came out to over 100 minutes, I'd sure have hated to try and record this all over again. And that's why this episode almost didn't exist: Because if the audio had truly gone away, I would have thrown up my hands and said forget it. We'll try again in two weeks.

But since we got lucky, you can now listen to us talk about our newest features and endeavors, our problems with the ARRL, the status of Logbook of the World, listener feedback, live chat room discussion, installing Linux Mint on an ancient laptop, ham radio software for [that other OS] and much, much more. And hey: Go buy a shirt. Please?

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #044: SELFish and Far Afield

It's time for a new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. I can hear everyone cheering in unison from here. Richard's Internet service was down for the recording so he had to bring some portable computers over to his father's house and attempt to get everything done from there. Unfortunately, all did not go well. I was able to cobble together the broken bits of audio into something that sounds like a podcast. There's even music, some production value and--most amazing of all--actual content. Thank you to everyone who stopped by for the live recording. Because I've been so busy over the last couple of weeks, we're going to be doing it all again tomorrow night, July 27th. Hope to see everyone in the chat room and please enjoy this latest installment of the program. There are lots of new things in the works that I can't mention right now, but it will all be a lot of fun and it all means more stuff for you out there to listen to. As if you already didn't have enough to do. Don't forget to send in that feedback, especially audio feedback. We want to hear from you. Until then, keep it real.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Live! Audio Stream

For those who are interested in listening to the live show as it airs but can't or won't go to Ustream.TV for the video feed, we now have a streaming audio feed. You can find the link here, or click on the "LHS Live!" link under Streaming in the right-hand column. Thank you for your continued support and listenership. Please let everyone know about the new feed!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #043: My Own Private Ohio

The Dayton Hamvention was a little while ago and we've just now been able to get around to talking about it. In this episode, we bring in Bill, KA9WKA, our right-hand man, to help us out with discussion of the event and a number of other topics as well.

Don't be alarmed, however. We keep the dated material to a minimum and move directly into things that are much more current and much more interesting, including questions about the "lightness" of distributions, how to install Ubuntu on a USB stick, a super geeky radio question and much more. Not only that, this may have been the most fun episode we've recorded so far. For those who want to brave the unedited version of this one, there are belly laughs aplenty. Check out the stream feed in the right column for that. Just remember, unedited means just what it says.

We haven't been pushing donations lately so here's a small tug on your subconscious: If you have a spare few dollars, please consider helping us with our hosting expenses so we can continue to bring you the show long into the future.

73 de The LHS Guys and Bill