LHS Episode #201: It’s Alive!

Welcome back to Linux in the Ham Shack! We have been on a three-month hiatus but we're back. The show is bigger and better than ever. We're packing in more content and making everything just a little bit more enjoyable for you, the listener. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us over the last few months and as we move toward our 10-year anniversary, we hope that the next ten will be just as amazing.

73 de The LHS Crew

Merch Shop Is Live!

Hello, listeners and friends of Linux in the Ham Shack. At long last, our online merchandise store is online! You can now purchase cool LHS-themed items which are both beautiful and functional. They also help to support our program. We will be adding new items from time to time so make sure to check back to see what's new. If you have any suggestions for merch items, please send them our way! As a special bonus, from now until December 24th, use the promo code ITSALIVE and receive 10% off your entire order. Click the Merch! link above to visit. Thank you for your support.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #200: We Made It

Welcome to Episode #200 of Linux in the Ham Shack. We've come a long way in the last nine years but thanks to all of our listeners and supporters, we have made it to this milestone episode. We talk about a variety of Linux- and ham radio-related topics as well as chat with some old friends and new. Please be aware this episode is being released unedited. We don't believe there's anything in it you need to protect your children from; it's just rambling and unstructured--mostly. Thank you to everyone for all of your support throughout the years and we look forward to bringing you fresh new content in 2018.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #199: We Love WinuxOS

Welcome to Episode #199 of Linux in the Ham Shack. This episode contains discussion on using web-based SDRs when local receivers are in adequate, JOTA and JOTI, the opening of the 630m and 2200m bands, Linux advocacy, EFF vs DRM, ttyd, Antergos and much more. Thank you for listening. Please tune in to Episode #200 on October 2nd. It's sure to be epic.

73 de The LHS Crew