LHS Episode #123: Busted for Jaycasting

jay-dighsxHello, folks! It's February 2014, and we finally announce the winner of our Raspberry Pi contest! But before all that excitement, we have a great interview with a fellow radio amateur. Around that, we have news and information about the usual suspects, and covering it all is a thick layer of fun. Thanks for tuning in, and we hope to see you all in Dayton in May. Please donate to our Indiegogo campaign if you can. Every little bit helps. And don't forget about the perks!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #103: Indoorsman Meets Outdoorsman

pete-300x300Thanks for tuning into Episode #103 of Linux in the Ham Shack. With this episode we welcome in our quasi-permanent replacement for the on-hiatus Richard. Pete, VE2XPL, hails from somewhere near Montreal in Quebec, Canada, and you can read more about him on the About Us page on this very site. In this information-filled installment, Pete and Russ discuss the FCC and other licensing bodies getting interested (perhaps too interested) in VoIP technology. They also talk about several software packages related to running ham radio loggers and an Echolink client under Linux. And then they trudge through a super, super, super, super, super long e-mail from Brad. Thanks, Brad! Keep listening, folks, you're not going to believe what the next few episodes have in store.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #102: Run, It’s George Lucas!

darth_sidiousHere we are, two episodes past the Richardocalypse and the calendar hasn't run out yet! This time around, I'd like to thank Rob from MintCast for once again stepping in to be a co-host on the show, filling in the left big toe of the shoes once worn by The Richard himself.  Since I barely fill a pinky toe, myself, that's really saying something. In this episode we go a little ham nutty with Linux thrown in. Topics range from slow-scan television to licensing requirements to Rob asking, "What do I need another damned hobby for??" That question and many others answered in this fabulous installment of Linux in the Ham Shack.

73 de Russ, K5TUX

LHS Episode #101: O Sole Mio

WalkAloneWelcome to the first episode of Linux in the Ham Shack that doesn't have Richard it in, on purpose. I can personally say that I feel his absence rather heavily in this program, but overall I think the show went rather well. Harrison, VE2HKW, was kind enough to be a guest host to help me out. Episode #102 will also have a couple of guest hosts, rather likeable ones at that, and so it will go until a permanent(?) replacement is found for Richard. We can only hope he comes back one day to grace us with tales of strippers on scooters and discharging firearms indoors. Until then, I soldier on. Thanks for listening and remember, you can send feedback to info@lhspodcast.info, or by voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469).

73 de Russ, K5TUX