LHS Episode #186: A Bad Case of CIFS

This is Episode #186 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, topics include driving while using your amateur radio in Canada, UHF regulations in The Netherlands, amateur radio testing, Samba, tickr, Arch Linux, GeckoLinux and a whole lot more. Thank you so much for listening. We appreciate each and every one of you.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #169: The Fukutoku Bank Robbery

bank-robberyHello, listeners! We're putting out our latest episode of Linux in the Ham Shack just before Hamvention. We have great topics tonight including hams suing hams, the fight between Oracle and Google, antenna and kit building, mobile operation and so much more. Don't forget that we WILL be at the Dayton Hamvention this year in the East Hall, booth 625. Also, please note that we could still use your help in defraying some of our Hamvention expenses. If you'd like to donate (and maybe pick up some cool LHS swag in the process), please click on our Generosity Campaign link. See you there!

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Episode #116: O Savannah

serengeti01This week in the heart-pounding, blood-stopping episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, our intrepid hosts discuss a variety of topics from call sign look-up databases to Ubuntu, freeware collaboration suites to mobile computing, and QRP kits to hosted developer platforms. As if that were not enough, there's music, banter, a cameo by Wil Wheaton and a rocking good time. What more could you possible want?

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Show Notes #040


  • Resonant Frequency is back in production! Check out rfpodcast.info for more information and look for the latest episode, #41, in the usual places.
  • Look for LHS merchandise at https://cafepress.com/lhspodcast and at https://www.printfection.com/lhs. A little bit of each purchase goes to help with the podcast expenses.
  • We're planning a future episode about Orca - a text-to-speech application for Linux. If you or someone you know is using Orca or another text-to-speech Linux application, share your experience! Contact Russ or Richard with any information you might have.
  • Visit the LHS channel on IRC at irc.freenode.net, channel #lhspodcast.
  • Look for random LHS episodes and music on the streaming audio links on the LHS web site.
  • Russ will be speaking at 2:00pm on Saturday, June 12th, at the SouthEast LinuxFest, June 11-13, 2010, at the Marriott at Renaissance Park hotel in Spartanburg, SC. He will be giving a talk on Linux and Ham Radio.
  • Russ will be starting up a mailing list for LHS show information. Watch the LHS web site for information on signing up.
  • Thanks to Rich, KD0BJT and Brady, KD0BJS of the Low SWR Podcast for recording an introduction to this episode.


  • Richard discusses installing an HF rig in his vehicle.
  • Always connect the radio directly to the battery. You'll have more current available and less noise.
  • Look for rubber grommets in the firewall to pass your wires into the passenger compartment.
  • Warning! Not all Powerpole connectors are Anderson Powerpole connectors! Some hamfest specials look the same, but don't work as well.
  • Most mobile 40m and 75m antennas are not very broadbanded, so you will probably need an antenna tuner to cover the whole band.
  • Richard digresses into a brief discussion of Ubuntu 10.04. Russ was in a recent episode of the Fresh Ubuntu podcast.
  • Russ likes the looks of the Scorpion Black Widow HF antenna.
  • Welcome to K5AVJ who is running Linux Mint, and to VE2XPL, running Ubuntu 10.04.


  • Gary, KE2YK, writes about the discussion of ebook readers in Episode 31 and suggests this link to an old Radio Shack catalog as an example of a compromise between electronic and paper media. Visit Gary's Random Oscillations blog, and his online store at https://www.ehamstore.com/.
  • Andy, OE4DNS, recently became a ham, is an avid Linux user, and just discovered the podcast. He's a member of of the Metalab hacker space in Vienna, Austria. Andy responds to a question in Episode 37 from KJ4UHI about Morse code programs for Linux, and Andy suggests the Learn CW Online website provided by DJ1YFK. You can even export practice sessions to .mp3 files. Andy also recommends finding a hacker space in your area at the Hackerspaces web site. Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK, is also the author of YFK Log. VE2XPL in the chat room also likes the Learn CW Online web site.
  • Tom is a first-time listener to the podcast with Episode 37, and thinks we spent too much time promoting merchandise.
  • Bruce, VE2GZI, writes to say thanks for the podcast and looks forward to seeing us at Dayton.
  • Albert commented on the web site that we should let The Linux Link site know about the new LHS web site and feeds.
  • Darryl, VK5HZ, just caught up to Episode 33. He'd love to have LHS visit the linux.conf.au conference held in January each year. In 2011 it will be in Brisbane, Queensland.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at kb5jbv@gmail.com, Russ at k5tux@lhspodcast.info, or both at the same time at info@lhspodcast.info.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 888-455-0305 or 417-429-4069, or record an introduction to the podcast and have a chance at winning $25.


LHS Episode #040: HF in the Mobile Shack

It's a couple of days since the end of the 2010 Dayton Hamvention. Cheryl and I would like to send out a special thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth while we were there. We met a lot of interesting folks and had a great many thought provoking conversations. It was our first time so we didn't know we'd be out in the sticks, so to speak, but we still had a lot of traffic and a lot of fun.

Now that I'm home and most of the work that piled up on me while I was away has been tackled, I got the podcast we recorded before the event finished and here it is.  There's no Dayton content this time around. That will come next time. The drawing for the Alinco radio and the other Linux in the Ham Shack swag will happen on Friday and we'll announce all the winners in the next show and on the Web site so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, enjoy some interesting feedback from listeners and some insight into Richard's latest mobile rig install. Keep the feedback coming, visit our Printfection and Cafe Press stores and pick up an item or two, and get ready for next year in Dayton. Linux in the Ham Shack will be back.

73 de The LHS Guys