Recorded on December 8th, the anniversary of the assassination of John Lennon.
- Matt, KC8BEW, tells us about a new Linux forum at Linux Journal for amateur radio topics. The January, 2010 issue of Linux Journal has several amateur radio related articles. Add to your bookmarks. Look for an interview with a couple folks from Linux Journal on the episode to be recorded on January 5, 2010. And thanks to Kent, VE4KEH, for the plug in the forum over there.
- Kent, VE4KEH, sent in an audio segment, to be included later in this episode. If you'd like to submit an audio segment, please send it in .ogg or .mp3 format, if possible.
- Another message from Kent suggests a topic for a future show about installing distros from live .iso files to a flash drive with persistence. (Check out the Pen Drive Linux site.)
- Rich, KD0BJT, and his son Brady, KD0BJS, have started their own podcast, called Low SWR.
- A WordPress blog by Gary, KE2YK, references an article by Martin, AA6E, about Linux and amateur radio.
- The Fresh Ubuntu podcast website has linked to the LHS website. They're also on Freenode IRC at #freshubuntu.
- The Bluff County DX Association of LaCrosse, WI linked to the LHS website. Thanks!
- Ben, VK5JFK, left a comment on Bill's review of Linux Mint 7 asking if Xastir runs under Linux Mint. Yes, it does, and I've posted an article on the website about it.
- Ed, KC5NT, writes to say he enjoys the podcast and is 100% Linux in the ham shack. He describes his radio activities and made a donation to the fund to send LHS to Dayton in 2010. Thanks, Ed!
- Jason, NT7S, has a link to LHS in his blog, Ripples in the Ether.
- Richard sent some feedback to the Going Linux podcast and got mentioned in episode 86.
- The blog also linked to LHS. They hold an on-air technical net in the Orlando, FL area on Wednesday nights on the 147.120 repeater (103.5 Hz PL).
- Donations: We received donations from: Ed KC5NT, Bill KA9WKA, Doug N6LMX, John EI7IG, and Walter WN3LIF. Thank you all for your very generous donations. It looks like we're well on the way to sending Russ and Richard to Dayton in 2010.
- Thanks, again, to Dave and John of Gamma Leonis for the theme music for the show.
Links and Notes:
- Kent, VE4KEH, supplied an audio report about the Ontario GNU/Linux Fest.
- Russ reviews Ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix.
- Russ rants about the Evil Empire -- no, the other one. Google. Specifically, Google DNS.
- For more information about configuring BIND, see the International Systems Consortium.
- Richard reports on his D-RATS project running on a Dell Latitude CPt. It was running Xubuntu Linux, but he moved to CrunchBang Linux, and it's working much better.
- KB3CVA has a telnet BBS online at Check it out.
- "Fade Your Heat" by Val Davis from the album "Immortal"
- "Didn't I?" by Shane Jackman from the album "Equilibrium"