LHS Show Notes #047


  • No Richard tonight as he's suffering through another power and Internet outage.
  • The eighth annual Ohio LinuxFest (How Will Free Change the World?) will be held on September 10-12, 2010 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Linux in the Ham Shack will be there; will you?
  • This episode is a round-table discussion with Dennis (Bear1), Beth Lynn Eicher, Moose, and Rob, all from Ohio LinuxFest.


  • Moose discusses the OLF programs and the vendor expo. The majority of the conference content is on Friday and Saturday. LPI and BSDA testing will be conducted on Sunday. There will be keynote addresses from Stormy Peters and Christopher "Monty" Montgomery. John "maddog" Hall will give talks on Friday and Saturday. New tracks this year are a medical track and an Ubuntu-specific track (Ubucon).
  • List of speakers.
  • OLF Schedule.
  • Ubucon is new at OLF this year, which is a month before the next release of Ubuntu.
  • Beth Lynn announced that the pre-party will be held at about 8:00pm Friday night at the Frog Bear and Wild Boar bar, one block west of the Drury Columbus Convention Center. It is sponsored by Nagios.
  • Rob talks about the vendor exposition and sponsors at OLF on Saturday. There will be a gaming area this year and a mock-up of a hotel room in the middle of the expo area.
  • Sine Nomine Associates is providing the tee shirts, and Pantek is providing the tote bags.
  • SUSE, KDE, Red Hat, Fedora, and, of course, LHS will be there, too.
  • The group offers encouragement to Russ and Cheryl on their planned MAGNet Con in 2011.
  • Register for Ohio LinuxFest at ohiolinux.org. The number of registered attendees proves to the sponsors that their support is worth the investment.
  • Moose talks about the OLFU training sessions and exams.
  • Bear reminds us that OLF is produced by an all-volunteer staff. How can you help? OLF still needs volunteers to help out at the conference. Even if you can't attend,
    you can help spread the word.
  • Tee Shirts, flyers, banners, and other promotional material was designed by WRL Advertising.
  • Moose discusses the Diversity in Open Source workshop, the Open Source Medical Track,
    and a variety of classes aimed at all levels of interest and experience.
  • Rob adds that he's looking forward to seeing the LHS booth at the expo.
  • Bear reminds us that OLF is a great opportunity to meet many of the people directly involved in the development of the open source products we use every day.
  • Finally, Beth Lynn points out that other popular open source projects are also represented, like FreeBSD and BeOS. You do not need to know anything about Linux to attend OLF! There is something for everybody, so please register and attend. Students are welcome, too.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at kb5jbv@gmail.com, Russ at k5tux@lhspodcast.info, or both at the same time at info@lhspodcast.info.
  • Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 888-455-0305 or 417-200-4811, or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music and promo.

LHS Episode #047: OLF 2010

Ohio Linux Fest 2010In a rare promotional episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, we talk to four folks from the upcoming Ohio Linux Fest. Bear, Rob, Moose and Beth Lynn give our listeners the low down on everything that's going to happen at this year's event. Make no mistake, this time around it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun, even more fun than last year. Linux in the Ham Shack is going to be there, too, with new equipment, new demos and a lot more to make it worth stopping by. So if you're going to be around Columbus, Ohio on September 10-12 or you have some free time and a little bit of extra cash, make sure to come by the show. It's going to be KILLA.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Show Notes #044


  • Richard is at his father's place due to problems with his Suddenlink connection at home.
  • Ohio LinuxFest 2010 is on the horizon. Russ hopes to be a speaker this year. It will be held September 10-12, 2010 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, OH.
  • Mid-America GNU/Linux Networkers Conference (MAGNet Con). Russ and Cheryl are organizing this event, which is tentatively scheduled to be held May 6-7, 2011, at the St. Louis Union Station Marriott in St. Louis, MO.
    They're looking for speakers, sponsors, organizers, and attendees. If you're interested or can help, please visit the web site.


  • Please consider making a donation to Linux in the Ham Shack to help defray the costs of producing the show, attending shows, file hosting, etc. There's a convenient Donate link on the web site, and you can use a credit card or PayPal.
  • You can also support the show by purchasing LHS merchandise at cafepress.com/lhspodcast or printfection.com/lhs.
  • Thank you!


  • Russ discusses his trip to Southeast Linuxfest June 11-13, 2010.
  • Russ gave a talk on Open Source and Amateur Radio. The talk was recorded and will be available at some point.
  • Thanks to everyone involved for their efforts in organizing SELF:

    Foundation Officers

    • President: David Yates
    • Vice President: David Nalley
    • Treasurer: John Yeary
    • Secretary: Mike Major

    Board Members

    • Speaker Coordinator: Jeremy Sands
    • Community Coordinator: Amber Graner
    • Volunteer Coordinator: Jas Eckard
  • Field Day, 2010, was held June 26-27. Russ and Richard discuss the event and how it combines an emergency preparedness exercise and a contest.
  • Russ used to attend Field Day in Maine with the Aroostook Amateur Radio Association (K1FS).
    This year, he visited the Nixa Amateur Radio Club (operating as N0A) and the
    Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club sites.
  • One suggestion: make your Field Day sites wheelchair accessible!
  • Send us your Field Day stories!


  • Don, WS4E, sent us a picture of him standing outside the Red Hat Summit in Boston wearing his LHS T-shirt. Thanks, Don!
  • Jan, PA9QV, linked to us in his blog, Varying Frequencies. Thanks, Jan!
  • Eldon, WA0UWH, also linked to us on his blog. Thanks, Eldon!
  • Dave, M0DCM, in the UK writes that he enjoyed Episode 40, and comments about Fldigi, xdx, gpredict, and wsjt.  He uses Xastir, too. He wonders if there is an HD SSTV application for Linux.  His club has asked him to find a good Linux alternative to WinPack. Richard discusses. These could be topics for future shows.(Ed. note: Jean-Paul, F6FBB, has written a packet BBS application for Windows and Linux.)

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at kb5jbv@gmail.com, Russ at k5tux@lhspodcast.info, or both at the same time at info@lhspodcast.info.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 888-455-0305 or 417-200-4811, or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • Send hate mail to Bill at ka9wka@lhspodcast.info. 🙂
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music and promo.


  • "Paper King" by Noxious from the album "Revilutia", courtesy of garageband.com.
  • "Enslaved by Pain" by Severed Fifth (Jono Bacon), from the album "Denied by Reign".

LHS Show Notes #026


  • Kent, VE4KEH, writes in the forums that the Debian Testing updates have caused him some problems. Richard suggests not using the Testing distribution, while Russ disagrees.
  • Do any of the ham radio digital protocols support full TCP/IP? Can we load a web site via packet radio?
  • Commentsabout Episode #025:
    • Alex, OZ9AEC, says that he'd rather attend an Ubuntu launch party every six months, rather than a Windows party every six years. 🙂 He provided a link to an Ubuntu 9.10 Release Party Map.
    • Jim, N3JIM, defends APRS (Automatic PACKET reporting System), saying it's more than just vehicle tracking.
      www.aprs.org says it's "automatic packet reporting system"
      www.aprs.net says it's "automatic position reporting system"
      Our hosts discuss the apparent usefulness, or lack thereof, of APRS.
  • Richard rants about receiving spam, this time from Twitter.


  • Please donate to the fund to send Linux in the Ham Shack to the Dayton Hamvention in 2010!

Links and Notes:

  • Joe, NE3R, provides this audio segment about minicom, a Linux terminal application for connection to serial port devices. Check out Joe's blog.
  • Audio from Russ at Ohio Linux Fest:
    • Talking to Jim, KB3ORA.
    • Handing out DVDs of the first 22 episodes.
    • Matt, KC8BEW, provided some ham radio gear to use at the booth. Thanks, Matt.
    • Russ visits with Beth Lynn Eicher and Rob Ball, both of OLF, and Doug Vann of Duo Consulting talks to Russ about Drupal.
  • Richard talks about his visit to the Belton HamEXPOin Belton, TX.
  • Donate to the fund to bring Richard and Russ to Dayton Hamvention 2010.
  • Look for new topics in future shows, such as reviews of other Linux distributions such as ARCH Linux, Slackware 13, and OpenSUSE 11.1.
  • Russ talks about getting his amateur radio station back on the air. He put up a new antenna, an AlphaDelta DX-CC trap dipole for 80-10m. He also acquired a Rascal GLX sound card interface, installed fldigi, and made his first digital mode contact with PSK31 on 20m! Yay, Russ!
  • Russ has also discovered IRLP.
  • Paul, from TeenRadioJourney.com, made a donation to the Dayton fund. Thanks, Paul.
  • We're looking for a new logo for Linux in the Ham Shack. Any and all submissions will be considered.


LHS Show Notes #025


  • Paul, from TeenRadioJourney.com, mentions LHS on his blog.
  • Russ Wenner from The Techie Geek podcast joins us in the chat room.
  • Kent, VE4KEH, in a post in the forums, says he heard Russ on an episode of Hacker Public Radio, and wonders if an appearance on Linux Outlaws is next. He also asks about a Windows 7 launch party. Our hosts respond.
  • Kent also posts a comment in a thread about Acer dropping support if you install Linux on one of their computers. Kent asks which manufacturers are Linux friendly? He also wonders why Acer creates two partitions on their laptops.
  • threethirty from Linux Cranks sent congratulations about LHS getting a mention in an LXer.com article Ohio LinuxFest Report
  • Matt, KC8BEW, in a comment about Episode 22 asks if Chirp will support radios other than Icom D-Star.


Links and Notes:

  • Russ talks a bit about being at Ohio Linux Fest. He was in "podcasters row" in the exhibit hall, along with the Northeast Ohio Open Source Society, The Linux Link Tech Show, and the Security Justice podcast. Russ shares some interviews and audio he recorded:
    • Interview with Matt, KC8BEW.
    • Russ plans on taking Linux in the Ham Shack to Dayton Hamvention, 2010.
    • Jim, KB3ORA, stops by the booth.
  • Questions in the chat room:
    • Russ Wenner from the Techie Geek Podcast, asks: is ham radio an expensive hobby? Richard opines.
    • HamTests.net is a good resource. The European site is HamTests.co.uk.
    • Do you need to learn Morse code? Nope, but it's even more popular now.
    • Do you need a high antenna? Not necessarily. Russ discusses. The ARRL has several good books on antennas.
    • Paul Shirey asks if shared folders on different machines can be combined. Possible, but difficult.
  • Richard talks about APRS and XASTIR.
    • One of the requirements for using APRS under Linux is that you must have the AX.25 packet radio protocol support in the kernel.
    • To determine if your kernal has AX.25 support, enter this command in a terminal:
      grep ax25 /proc/kallsyms

      If you get a result something like this:

      c0510ddc r trans_net_ax25_table
      c05127a0 r trans_net_ax25_param_table

      then AX.25 support is built into the kernel. If you receive nothing, then you'll need to recompile the kernel with AX.25 support. (Most of the current versions of Ubuntu and Linux Mint have AX.25 support.)
      For more information, see the HowTo:AX.25 article on the XASTIR wiki.

    • Richard describes configuring XASTIR.
    • Bottom line: it's not all that hard to set up. Read the wiki. There are how-to articles for many different operating systems.
  • From the chatroom, someone asks about the throughput of the various data modes in amateur radio.


  • "Like This" by STEEP from the album "STEEP"
  • "Lost" by Trainlight from the album "Now You're Alone with Ghosts"