LHS Episode #027: Where Are My Meds?

haarpWe have topped 40,000 downloads! Thanks go out to all of our listeners and live webcast attendees for making Linux in the HAM Shack as popular as it is. Give yourselves a huge round of applause. We're also well on our way to our donation goal of $750 so we can buy booth space and Internet access at the Dayton Hamvention in Dayton, Ohio, in May of 2010. Thank you for all of your donations. Please keep them coming as you're able to send them in!

In this episode, we address listener feedback and comments, and then in a burst of inspiration invite listeners from the chat room to come onto the program for a lively and very fun roundtable discussion. Topics were varied, from portable antenna design, to life without Red Bull; from the HAARP VLF array in Alaska to D-STAR, PACTOR and other digital ham radio communication modes. And since I was on meds and Richard was off his, things got a little crazy towards the end.

We hope you enjoy this episode of Linux in the HAM Shack. Please leave us comments or questions on the web site or via voice mail at 888-455-0305. And send your best wishes to Bill, KA9WKA, who has taken on the responsibility of getting LHS's show notes out in a timely fashion. Thanks, Bill. You're a lifesaver!

73 de Russ, K5TUX

LHS Show Notes #018


  • George, N0JRJ, really likes the podcasts and would like to participate in the live show.  (Just show up! -Ed.)  He also agrees with Richard that it can take a long time to amass the equipment for a radio station, and that we need to foster new Elmers.
  • Walter, KV6M, made a donation to the podcast.  Thank-you!
  • Rodzilla, no call yet, is looking forward to getting his license and a Yaesu FT-8800.  He would like remote control software for the FT-8800, and wants to know if the programming software runs under Wine in Linux.
  • K6*** provided instructions for compiling fldigi under Ubuntu Linux 9.10 X64.
  • The Princeton Ham Radio Club mentioned the LHS podcast on their website.  That's Princeton, KY.


Links and Notes:

  • Richard talks about his experience with the Linux Cranks (Stay clear of the monorail!)  (ogg format, explicit)
  • Hacker Public Radio has asked Richard and Russ to do a couple segments.
  • Richard rants about receiving spam via Twitter.
  • We discuss "Windows 7 is the same as Ubuntu" .
  • Firefox addons useful for ham radio operators.
    • AE7Q has tools to add callsign and grid square lookups to your Firefox search engine tool bar (Scroll down to the pink boxes on the lower right corner of the page. -Ed.)
    • Mozilla has a QRZ.com addon.
    • There is also a plugin to search the ARRL Callsign database.
    • N0HR has Propfire, a Firefox plugin for propagation information.
    • N0HR also offers PropStats, which provides propagation statistics for your website. https://www.n0hr.com/propstats.htm
    • haminfobar from John, G0DPC.
    • hamlinks toolbar from N0HR.
    • Take a look at VA3STL's weblog (October 5, 2008 entry).
    • Not actually ham radio related, but a couple of cool 3D plugins:  FoxTab lets you browse your Firefox tabs in a 3D fashion, and Cooliris allows you to browse your image files in a similar way.
    • Synergy allows you to share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers, with just software and your existing network.    There are several configuration tools, such as QuickSynergy for Linux or OS-X, another Mac OS X Synergy GUI, and SynergyKM.
  • Xirc is a good IRC client program.  There are versions for Linux, OS X, and Windows.


Contact Richard via:

Email: kb5jbv@blacksparrowmedia.com
Twitter: twitter.com/kb5jbv
Web: lhsinfo.org
Forums at blacksparrowmedia.com

Contact Russ via:

Email: k5tux@blacksparrowmedia.com


LHS Episode #026: Junk in the Trunk

irlpBack from Baltimore and ready for more ham radio, Linux and Linux in the HAM Shack. I had originally planned to get this episode out before I left for the Large Installation System Administration conference in Maryland, but it didn't work out that way. I even brought all the audio with me to assemble the podcast during my off time at the conference. It turned out there wasn't any off time, so I wound up having to finish up when I got home. That being said, I have to admit this is my favorite episode so far.  It seems like Richard and I are finally getting the hang of this podcast thing. We truly appreciate all our listeners. It makes the time, effort and money of putting out this program worth it.

In Episode #024, we bring you some final wrap-up from Ohio Linux Fest, including interviews with ham radio operators, Linux users, Beth Lynn Eicher from OLF, members of the Drupal project and more. We answer listener comments and questions, of which there are many, and I talk about my getting back on the air and include my new experiences with digital communication via ham radio, from PSK to IRLP. Grab a drink, sit back and enjoy this episode of Linux in the HAM Shack. And if you have a spare couple of dollars, drop them in the can so we can bring our show to the national ham radio convention in 2010: The Dayton Hamvention.

73 de Russ, K5TUX