- Email exchange with Herve, of Shackbox Linux. If you found it useful, please consider donating something to the project.
- Voice comment from Rodney (aka R0dzilla) KJ4OHH: he asks for more information on Echolink and Echolinux. Our hosts respond with CQiNet and QTel.
- Rod, KJ4OHH, postsin the forum:Â If you install a 32-bit program under 64-bit Linux Mint 7, then install a 32-bit application, getlibs may not find the 32-bit libraries, so you have to get them from the Ubuntu repository:
$sudo getlibs --distro Ubuntu --release jaunty nameof32bitprogram
And congratulations to Rodney on getting his license!
- VK5HZ in IRC says Echolink does work in Wine, at least for him.
- Joe, NE3R, runs packet and uses an old TNC with firmware from the 1980s. He runs XASTIR with an MFJ TNC and minicom.
- Ken, WA3FKG, posts in the forum:Â Acer says if you replace windows with Linux on one of their machines, you've voided the warranty.
- Tony Malloy re-Tweeted on when Episode 019a came out. Thanks, Tony.
- Damon, NN7B, asks "Which packet program do you use for Linux?"Â It's probably easier to use a TNC in KISS mode, rather than trying to do software packet.
- David, KF5BCM, wants a noise gate on Richard. 🙂 He says hears Richard breathing loudly on Episode 15. (Make a donation and maybe that will help fund the equipment.)
- turtles7, in the forums, suggested a topic for a future show: mobile installation hints. He recently installed a mobile in a minivan, and still has high SWR.
- Interview with Beth Lynn Eicher of the Ohio Linux Fest.
- Beth Lynn talks about the training opportunities at OLF, exhibitors, and the history of OLF.
From the chat room:
- Why don't we do shows on Linux basics? We did. Check out the older episodes. If there's something we haven't covered, let us know.
- What is a "Crank"? See Linux Cranks. (ogg format, explicit)
- How to play .ogg files in iTunes.
- KJ4OHH just bought a 8GB Sansa Fuze for $39. Refurbished Sansa Clips are often available at and for good prices, too. They play OGG files natively.
- Check out Shackbox Linux, too.
- "Out of It" by Brad Sucks from the album "Out of It".
- "Fallen from Grace" by Shawn Harris from the album "Temptation".