LHS Episode #144: Amateur Radio Resources

ham-radio-operateHello, folks! We're happy to say that Pete has rejoined our crew for this episode of the show, and he brings with him some excellent information for all you listeners out there. We take a look at several great video and audio resources for amateur radio adventures this fortnight. On top of that, we give a detailed description of YFKtest in action during a contest, and an overview and introduction to the latest version of the Tucnak logger. Lots more news, reviews and excitement as well. Please enjoy!

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #142: GQRX and More

gqrxIt's another installment of Linux in the Ham Shack! Yes, you heard right. In this episode we lose a co-host but gain a hacking cough. At the same time, we discuss a new digital mode, a new ham radio technology for cell phones, a new interface for SDRs and a lot more new stuff. Finally, we're down to the last two days for our

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #125: YFKTest Lives!

dj1yfkIn this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, Pete goes AWOL. While he's out being dishonorably discharged, Harrison and Cheryl step in to fill his medium-sized shoes. We also get an interview with Bob, W9YA, current maintainer of YFKTest. He tells us all about the new and exciting world of YFKTest and how it's not, in fact, dead.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #096


  • Welcome to another edition of the Super Happy Crappy Hour!


  • The Black Sparrow Media mobile app is again hosted thanks to listener donations. Visit the BSM website to download the app and enjoy all of the BSM affiliated shows.
  • CafeNinja and the Tin Foil Hat Show have joined the Black Sparrow Media network.
  • If you'd like to participate in the chat room, point your IRC client at the irc.freenode.net server, and join the #lhspodcast channel.
  • You can listen to the live show by pointing your media player (VLC, Totem, or whatever) to https://stream.blacksparrow.net:8008/lhslive.
  • Our live recording night will be moving to Wednesday evenings (CST) beginning with Episode 97, scheduled for December 12th, 2012.
  • Welcome Gnorman to the LHS staff.


  • TLF Contest Logger.
    • We've mentioned TLF in episodes 12, 65 and 70.
    • TLF is a console-mode general purpose CW and voice keyer, logging and contest program for Linux.
    • Our hosts compare this to YFKTest.
    • If you have used TLF, send us your experience with the program.
  • Our hosts then embark on several digressions about Gnorman, Lua, and other podcasters.


  • Torsten, DL1THM, sends an email describing his use of a Raspberry Pi as an APRS digi using aprx software and as a D-Star repeater using a DV-RPTR board. Thanks, Torsten.
  • Greg responded to episode 94 about uses for the Raspberry Pi, including a media PC with Raspbmc and perhaps as a weather station. Thanks, Greg.
  • Russ and Richard also talk about D-Star stuff, and D-RATS. (D-RATS has been mentioned in LHS episodes 17, 32, 56, 71 and 90.)
  • Comment from the Web site from Leif, KC8RWR, in response to episode 91 where Russ rants about the lack of speakers in the head units of mobile radios. Thanks, Leif.
  • Fred, DH5FS, sent a suggestion to consider TLF as a Linux contest logger. Thanks, Fred. Your email inspired tonight's topic.
  • Bill, KJ4KNI, on Facebook expressed his appreciation for help getting Linux Mint 13 with the MATE desktop running on his main computer. He also provides several reasons a ham might wish to use RG6 (75 ohm coax) in radio applications. Thanks, Bill.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at kb5jbv@gmail.com, Russ at k5tux@lhspodcast.info, or both at the same time at info@lhspodcast.info.
  • Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (1-909-547-7469), or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • Sign up for the MAGNetcon mailing list.
  • LHS merchandise is available at the Merch link on Web site. Check out the Badgerwear or buy one of the other LHS-branded items at PrintFection.com/lhs or Cafe Press. Thanks!
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.


  • "Crooked Smile Girl" by Heather Pierson, from her album Make It Mine.
  • "Agnostic" by Daniel Bautista from the album 15, courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #087: King Jeremy the Wicked

Hello, listeners! Welcome to the 87th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. The past couple of episodes have been full of interviews, logic, and information. In short, we've totally jumped off our normal bandwagon. In order to fix that, we've put together an episode that contains a lot of banter, insight, musing, laughing, music and good times. Somewhere in the middle you'll find information on Linux, Open Source software, ham radio logging applications, answers to listener feedback, compile instructions for source builds and mention of a secret recording where Russ takes over another podcast and rules the world. Make sure to listen from beginning to end. You're not going to want to miss a single second.

73 de The LHS Guys