LHS Episode #089: Minty Fresh

On this episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, your hosts had the very great pleasure or talking with Rob Hawkins from The MintCast. In a discussion which could have gone on for a much longer time, had they let it, the topics range from software patents and intellectual property to Windows 8 to the future of tablets and mobile devices. There's even a little peek into Rob's personal life, which Rob may or may not regret once this episode reaches the public.  So stick it in your ear, as the saying goes, and enjoy this latest installment of the rowdiest tech and ham radio podcast on the Internet.

73 de The LHS Guys


LHS Episode #088: Total Breakdown

Hello, esteemed listeners. Welcome to the latest installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. Tonight, Richard and Russ take the first third of the podcast to get a few topics off their minds that they've been thinking about over the past several weeks, whether or not those topics have anything to do with amateur radio or Linux. Wedged in the middle, discussion of wireless networking comes up, using HSMM and inexpensive Linksys hardware to provide Part 15 and Part 97 based communications for local, regional and EMCOMM use. Then our cagey hosts finish up with a mad dash through feedback, giving useful advice to those listeners with enough mettle to write in. Thanks as always to our loyal followers. We appreciate each and every one of you, each and every fortnight.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #087: King Jeremy the Wicked

Hello, listeners! Welcome to the 87th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. The past couple of episodes have been full of interviews, logic, and information. In short, we've totally jumped off our normal bandwagon. In order to fix that, we've put together an episode that contains a lot of banter, insight, musing, laughing, music and good times. Somewhere in the middle you'll find information on Linux, Open Source software, ham radio logging applications, answers to listener feedback, compile instructions for source builds and mention of a secret recording where Russ takes over another podcast and rules the world. Make sure to listen from beginning to end. You're not going to want to miss a single second.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #086: W9YA on YFKTest

A lot of interest has been focused on contest logging of late. We've had several comments and questions on the topic. With the recent passage of Field Day and Hamvention, many hams wanted to know what options there were for Linux. As it happens, YFKTest has been on our radar for some time. In order to get the full scoop, we invited Bob, W9YA, the current lead developer of YFKTest to come on the program and let us know what's going on with YFKTest, what Russ has been doing wrong with it, and where it's headed in the future.

It turns out that while simple, YFKTest is a competent and fully featured contest logger for many different contests. It works for CW and SSB logging, has rig control built in, and in the future may support network capable logging. There are many more features too numerous to name here. So sit back and let W9YA give you all the ins and outs. And stay tuned to the end of the show where our intrepid hosts tackle feedback from you, the listener. Best of luck in all your upcoming radio ventures.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #085: David Rowe on Codec2

Please join us for a special episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. In Episode #085, the hosts interview a vibrant and brilliant engineer from Adelaide, South Australia, named David Rowe. He is the mastermind behind the codec2 open voice codec among several other worthy and equally brilliant open source projects. He dabbles in VoIP, hardware, Open Source advocacy, engineering, voice compression, amateur radio and other endeavors far too numerous to name. David Rowe is definitely one of the more special people occupying our planet and our interview with him is nothing short of amazing. Please tune in and have your mind blown. We look forward to the overspray.

73 de The LHS Guys