LHS Episode #044: SELFish and Far Afield

It's time for a new episode of Linux in the Ham Shack. I can hear everyone cheering in unison from here. Richard's Internet service was down for the recording so he had to bring some portable computers over to his father's house and attempt to get everything done from there. Unfortunately, all did not go well. I was able to cobble together the broken bits of audio into something that sounds like a podcast. There's even music, some production value and--most amazing of all--actual content. Thank you to everyone who stopped by for the live recording. Because I've been so busy over the last couple of weeks, we're going to be doing it all again tomorrow night, July 27th. Hope to see everyone in the chat room and please enjoy this latest installment of the program. There are lots of new things in the works that I can't mention right now, but it will all be a lot of fun and it all means more stuff for you out there to listen to. As if you already didn't have enough to do. Don't forget to send in that feedback, especially audio feedback. We want to hear from you. Until then, keep it real.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #043: My Own Private Ohio

The Dayton Hamvention was a little while ago and we've just now been able to get around to talking about it. In this episode, we bring in Bill, KA9WKA, our right-hand man, to help us out with discussion of the event and a number of other topics as well.

Don't be alarmed, however. We keep the dated material to a minimum and move directly into things that are much more current and much more interesting, including questions about the "lightness" of distributions, how to install Ubuntu on a USB stick, a super geeky radio question and much more. Not only that, this may have been the most fun episode we've recorded so far. For those who want to brave the unedited version of this one, there are belly laughs aplenty. Check out the stream feed in the right column for that. Just remember, unedited means just what it says.

We haven't been pushing donations lately so here's a small tug on your subconscious: If you have a spare few dollars, please consider helping us with our hosting expenses so we can continue to bring you the show long into the future.

73 de The LHS Guys and Bill

LHS Episode #042: 1.21 Gigahertz Badgers

Yes, we're running behind AGAIN. It's the story of Linux in the Ham Shack lately. Because of that, this episode turned into an expose on our backlog of feedback. As it turns out, feedback is a good thing. We were able to address several questions and comments from listeners to the show. Hopefully the information we give out as answers to questions will also answer the questions and fulfill the needs of other listeners who are hoping someone will ask their questions for them.  We'd like to encourage everyone to send in feedback and we will address it as soon as we're able. You can send an e-mail to the show, call our hotline at +1-888-455-0305 or +1-417-200-4811, or leave us a comment on the Web site. We encourage all our listeners to tell us what you like, tell us what you don't like, tell KA9WKA he's awesome, ask a question, or just tell us whatever's on your mind. Also, if you happen to have a few extra dollars kicking around, send us a donation to help with our expenses. Keep Linux in the Ham Shack moving into the future and we'll give you proper recognition! And if you buy some of our cool swag, you'll also be helping out the show. Thanks so much for being a part of our world. We love you. It's a big ol' love fest.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #041: Deep Thoughts

Deep ThoughtsIf life would stop conspiring to halt production of Linux in the Ham Shack, everything would be just fine. Instead, because of problems in both our lives, the Dayton Hamvention and the Southeast Linux Fest, everything has been pushed back so far we feel like we're going back in time.

Richard was unable to record for Episode #039, but luckily I was able to find a worthy surrogate for this particular show. Chris and Bryan over at The Linux Action Show had prior obligations and didn't respond quick enough, respectively, but we hope to have them on a future episode. However, ClaudioM decided he didn't have anything better to do and was able to swing by and offer his thoughts on a couple of intriquing concepts suggested by visitors to the Dayton Hamvention: 1) How do we promote Linux and Open Source and should it be promoted, and 2) Why does the perception that Linux is harder to use than Windows persist?

I found this to be a rather insightful episode and I hope you do as well. Thank you to everyone who visited Linux in the Ham Shack in Dayton and in Spartanburg, and please enjoy this latest installment of the program.

73 de The LHS Guys (and ClaudioM)

LHS Episode #040: HF in the Mobile Shack

It's a couple of days since the end of the 2010 Dayton Hamvention. Cheryl and I would like to send out a special thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth while we were there. We met a lot of interesting folks and had a great many thought provoking conversations. It was our first time so we didn't know we'd be out in the sticks, so to speak, but we still had a lot of traffic and a lot of fun.

Now that I'm home and most of the work that piled up on me while I was away has been tackled, I got the podcast we recorded before the event finished and here it is.  There's no Dayton content this time around. That will come next time. The drawing for the Alinco radio and the other Linux in the Ham Shack swag will happen on Friday and we'll announce all the winners in the next show and on the Web site so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, enjoy some interesting feedback from listeners and some insight into Richard's latest mobile rig install. Keep the feedback coming, visit our Printfection and Cafe Press stores and pick up an item or two, and get ready for next year in Dayton. Linux in the Ham Shack will be back.

73 de The LHS Guys