LHS Episode #158: Tipping the SCaLE

scale1Today we have a special episode of Linux in the Ham Shack in which your hosts interview two of the volunteer coordinators for the Southern California Linux Expo, Hriday "Bala" Balachandran and Stewart Sheldon. Both of them are amateur radio operators and play key roles in making SCaLE one of the largest and most successful Open Source conferences in the world. We talk with them about their new amateur radio focus for 2016, the conference program, technology and many other topics. It's a lot of fun and highly educational, so don't miss this one.

73 de The LHS Crew

LHS Show Notes #047


  • No Richard tonight as he's suffering through another power and Internet outage.
  • The eighth annual Ohio LinuxFest (How Will Free Change the World?) will be held on September 10-12, 2010 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Linux in the Ham Shack will be there; will you?
  • This episode is a round-table discussion with Dennis (Bear1), Beth Lynn Eicher, Moose, and Rob, all from Ohio LinuxFest.


  • Moose discusses the OLF programs and the vendor expo. The majority of the conference content is on Friday and Saturday. LPI and BSDA testing will be conducted on Sunday. There will be keynote addresses from Stormy Peters and Christopher "Monty" Montgomery. John "maddog" Hall will give talks on Friday and Saturday. New tracks this year are a medical track and an Ubuntu-specific track (Ubucon).
  • List of speakers.
  • OLF Schedule.
  • Ubucon is new at OLF this year, which is a month before the next release of Ubuntu.
  • Beth Lynn announced that the pre-party will be held at about 8:00pm Friday night at the Frog Bear and Wild Boar bar, one block west of the Drury Columbus Convention Center. It is sponsored by Nagios.
  • Rob talks about the vendor exposition and sponsors at OLF on Saturday. There will be a gaming area this year and a mock-up of a hotel room in the middle of the expo area.
  • Sine Nomine Associates is providing the tee shirts, and Pantek is providing the tote bags.
  • SUSE, KDE, Red Hat, Fedora, and, of course, LHS will be there, too.
  • The group offers encouragement to Russ and Cheryl on their planned MAGNet Con in 2011.
  • Register for Ohio LinuxFest at ohiolinux.org. The number of registered attendees proves to the sponsors that their support is worth the investment.
  • Moose talks about the OLFU training sessions and exams.
  • Bear reminds us that OLF is produced by an all-volunteer staff. How can you help? OLF still needs volunteers to help out at the conference. Even if you can't attend,
    you can help spread the word.
  • Tee Shirts, flyers, banners, and other promotional material was designed by WRL Advertising.
  • Moose discusses the Diversity in Open Source workshop, the Open Source Medical Track,
    and a variety of classes aimed at all levels of interest and experience.
  • Rob adds that he's looking forward to seeing the LHS booth at the expo.
  • Bear reminds us that OLF is a great opportunity to meet many of the people directly involved in the development of the open source products we use every day.
  • Finally, Beth Lynn points out that other popular open source projects are also represented, like FreeBSD and BeOS. You do not need to know anything about Linux to attend OLF! There is something for everybody, so please register and attend. Students are welcome, too.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Richard at kb5jbv@gmail.com, Russ at k5tux@lhspodcast.info, or both at the same time at info@lhspodcast.info.
  • Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 888-455-0305 or 417-200-4811, or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music and promo.

LHS Episode #047: OLF 2010

Ohio Linux Fest 2010In a rare promotional episode of Linux in the Ham Shack, we talk to four folks from the upcoming Ohio Linux Fest. Bear, Rob, Moose and Beth Lynn give our listeners the low down on everything that's going to happen at this year's event. Make no mistake, this time around it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun, even more fun than last year. Linux in the Ham Shack is going to be there, too, with new equipment, new demos and a lot more to make it worth stopping by. So if you're going to be around Columbus, Ohio on September 10-12 or you have some free time and a little bit of extra cash, make sure to come by the show. It's going to be KILLA.

73 de The LHS Guys

LHS Episode #025: APRS and Xastir

aprsRichard and I have been busy over the last couple of weeks. He spent a day at the Belton Hamfest near Waco, Texas on October 3rd. The weekend before that, I spent a few days in Columbus, Ohio at Ohio Linux Fest. This is our first episode back from those events. I have a few hours of audio I need to sift through, but I managed to get a couple of clips from my interviews and commentary from OLF included in the second segment of this episode of the podcast. Because I had a visit from my parents and my brother and sister-in-law from New Hampshire, I haven't been able to get the podcast out in a timely manner. I suppose after 25 releases, I should probably stop apologizing for being late but I do like it when we release on time. Anyway, enjoy our interviews and Richard's discourse on APRS and Xastir, and stay tuned for a lot of great audio from our live endeavors coming up in future episodes. Thanks for downloading, and have a great couple of weeks.

LHS Episode #021: OSCON 2009 Update 2

osconHere is the second and final installment of the special OSCON update for Linux in the HAM Shack. In this episode I examine the second half of my trip to San Jose, California, and the O'Reilly Open Source Convention. I talk about sessions I attended dealing with subjects as diverse as patents and legal issues, processor speed, cloud computing, users as Open Source advocates and, yes, evening programming in Klingon. I also take a trip through The Tech Museum of Innovation, an institution run entirely using Open Source. So sit back and enjoy this special report from OSCON and as always, thanks for being a loyal listener to the program.

Don't forget to leave us voice feedback or questions. We'd love to put you on the air. And we know how ham radio operators often have the gift for gab. So let it out. Don't be shy. Linux in the HAM shack wants YOU.

73 de Russ, K5TUX